Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Review Of Oedipus The King - 1933 Words
Summer Reading Assignment: Oedipus the King Name: Arnav Chawla Bellevue School District Interlake High School/Gifted English 9 By carefully reading the summer reading drama and completing this packet over the summer, which you need to bring to class on the first day of school, you will be prepared to discuss the play in the fall, to take a summer reading quiz and begin literary discussion using your book and packet as the basis for your responses. As you read the play, Oedipus the King, in preparation for the unit, you will first need to understand some of the basic elements of the play. THIS SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT MUST BE WORD-PROCESSED. To be clear: The summer reading assignment is only Oedipus the King, NOT the two†¦show more content†¦Sophocles also shows nobility in Oedipus, how he continued to pursue the truth to help his people even though it caused him suffering. Instructions: Summarize the story of Oedipus and the Sphinx. The city of Thebes was under threat by the Sphinx, a winged lion with the face of a human. The sphinx would only leave the city alone if someone could solve her riddle. If the riddle was answered incorrectly, then the guesser would be killed. The riddle was â€Å"What is it that walks on four feet, three feet and two feet†¦ and is most feeble when it walks on four?†Oedipus correctly answered the riddle with â€Å"man†and the Sphinx threw herself to death on the rocks and due to death of Laius and other circumstances Oedipus became the new king of Thebes. SECTION 3: Dramatic Plot: In ten sentences, summarize the drama’s basic plot. 1. Oedipus arrives in Thebes and unknowingly kills the king and his father (Laius). 2. Oedipus correctly answered the riddle of the sphinx and becomes the ruler of Thebes. 3. Oedipus learns that Laius was murdered and recruited Creon to further investigate. 4. Oedipus announces that severe consequences will be imposed on the murder of Laius or anyone who is hiding information. 5.Oedipus speaks with the future seer, Tiresias, during their conversation Tiresias makes wild accusations 6. Oedipus calls out Creon for â€Å"making†Tiresias make wild and falseShow MoreRelatedReview Of Oedipus The King 1394 Words  | 6 PagesMotif in Oedipus the King Sophocles’ writing style in the play, Oedipus the King, offers incredible insight into the ways that authors utilize recurring symbols to create motif in their plays and writings. This particular play uses a blend of irony, wit, and metaphor to create a literary motif. Sophocles explores the literal aspects of sight and blindness, in the form of knowledge and oblivion. 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