Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on The Philosophy of Education - 650 Words
In order for a society to function, individuals must be productive members of that society. This is accomplished through education. The philosophy of education is determined by society. As society changes so does the concept of education. Education is needed for individuals to function in society. Without the proper tools, people would be a burden instead of an asset. To become an asset, individuals need to be exposed to those elements which would enrich their lives through knowledge. Knowledge in our society is basically learned through education. The basic knowledge each person should receive from an education is the three R’s; reading writing, and arithmetic. These mediums will enable a person to survive in today’s society.†¦show more content†¦Education can bring these individual talents to the surface. Having these talents developed by the way of the educational system, a person is more likely to become a productive member of society. Without these gifts and talents of individuals, answers in the medical, environmental, and social fields could remain mute and unexplored. Education has the responsibilities to bring out the best in each individual. The needs of society are continually changi ng. Therefore, education must also continue to change in order to productive responsible members of society. Education a hundred years ago is far different from the education today. Each generation is exposed to more and more information. This information needs to be processed and delivered to individuals. Education is the vehicle to do this. Reading, Writing and arithmetic will always be the backbone to education. However, education must also look at society and determine what more is needed to do. In our society today, computer and AIMS testing are the main focal point. Over ten years ago, high school students were being exposed to the use of the computer. Today in the 21st Century, children in kindergarten are receiving the necessary information to become computer literate. Without education keeping its eyes on what is happening in society, the next generation will be left behind. Education is the eyes and ears for society. The young people in schools are receivingShow MoreRelatedPhilosophy : Philosophy Of Education1328 Words  | 6 Pages Philosophy of Education Jihyae Choe Liberty University TESL 419 â€Æ' Philosophy of Education A good educator decides the direction of teaching based on a resolute educational philosophy. A firm and resolute philosophy does not equate with a fixed perspective, instead it is a strong foundation that can stabilize the life long educational career. In order to establish a firm philosophical basis, passion toward education should accompany proper understanding. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Review Of Oedipus The King - 1933 Words
Summer Reading Assignment: Oedipus the King Name: Arnav Chawla Bellevue School District Interlake High School/Gifted English 9 By carefully reading the summer reading drama and completing this packet over the summer, which you need to bring to class on the first day of school, you will be prepared to discuss the play in the fall, to take a summer reading quiz and begin literary discussion using your book and packet as the basis for your responses. As you read the play, Oedipus the King, in preparation for the unit, you will first need to understand some of the basic elements of the play. THIS SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENT MUST BE WORD-PROCESSED. To be clear: The summer reading assignment is only Oedipus the King, NOT the two†¦show more content†¦Sophocles also shows nobility in Oedipus, how he continued to pursue the truth to help his people even though it caused him suffering. Instructions: Summarize the story of Oedipus and the Sphinx. The city of Thebes was under threat by the Sphinx, a winged lion with the face of a human. The sphinx would only leave the city alone if someone could solve her riddle. If the riddle was answered incorrectly, then the guesser would be killed. The riddle was â€Å"What is it that walks on four feet, three feet and two feet†¦ and is most feeble when it walks on four?†Oedipus correctly answered the riddle with â€Å"man†and the Sphinx threw herself to death on the rocks and due to death of Laius and other circumstances Oedipus became the new king of Thebes. SECTION 3: Dramatic Plot: In ten sentences, summarize the drama’s basic plot. 1. Oedipus arrives in Thebes and unknowingly kills the king and his father (Laius). 2. Oedipus correctly answered the riddle of the sphinx and becomes the ruler of Thebes. 3. Oedipus learns that Laius was murdered and recruited Creon to further investigate. 4. Oedipus announces that severe consequences will be imposed on the murder of Laius or anyone who is hiding information. 5.Oedipus speaks with the future seer, Tiresias, during their conversation Tiresias makes wild accusations 6. Oedipus calls out Creon for â€Å"making†Tiresias make wild and falseShow MoreRelatedReview Of Oedipus The King 1394 Words  | 6 PagesMotif in Oedipus the King Sophocles’ writing style in the play, Oedipus the King, offers incredible insight into the ways that authors utilize recurring symbols to create motif in their plays and writings. This particular play uses a blend of irony, wit, and metaphor to create a literary motif. Sophocles explores the literal aspects of sight and blindness, in the form of knowledge and oblivion. 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He also showed how, at times one character can act completely irrational, while one remains calm in the face of serious accusations. Creon is the brother of Iocaste, the Queen of Thebes, and was the brother-in-law to both King Laios and King Oedipus. When King Laios was regentRead MoreAnalysis Of Oedipus The King 1127 Words  | 5 Pages For A Life Of Regrets Oedipus the King is a play written by Sophocles. Oedipus is the main figure and legend of Sophocles play. After Oedipus birth into the world, his father King Laius of Thebes heard from a prophet that his own child was destined to kill him. Sophocles play begins from past to present and starts to unravel the journeys Oedipus goes through. Oedipus isn t an evil character as one would think while reading the story. He neverRead More Free Will in Oedipus the King Essay1474 Words  | 6 PagesFree Will in Oedipus the King Oedipus the King by Sophocles is the story of a man who was destined to kill his father and marry his mother. 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This excerpt, taken from Karl Marxs and Friedrich Engels The Communist Manifesto, explains the two primary classes found throughout most of Europe during the era of the Industrial Revolution. These classes were the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The former were known as the exploiters and the latter as the exploited. The wealth, power,Read MoreOedipus Key Passage Analysis1366 Words  | 6 PagesName: Simran Bhatia Key Passage Outline Title of the work: Oedipus Author: Sophocles Chapter: Scene 2 (Creon’s long part) Page number: 1000 Revelation of Theme Character Both State the theme: Creon is very power hungry, yet very intelligent. Why is this a key passage? I believe this was a key passage as it is revealed to the readers just how cunning Creon really is, taking advantageRead MoreOedipus, A Tragic Hero1648 Words  | 7 Pages Oedipus, a Tragic Hero Bob Livingston Liberty University â€Æ' Sophocles presented the world with Oedipus around 2500 years ago. Never-the-less, the story remains among the most riveting of all time. He was, in fact, a man that was driven by a very high internal moral standard. It was that internal moral standard that ultimately entwined him in a sequence of events and circumstances that placed him in the spousal relationship with his mother. Oedipus, in fact, can truly be regarded as a tragic
The Chinese Culture A Chinese-American Family Reunion Free Essays
My wife is originally from the southern part of China, so her family is a mixture of descendants of China and the Americans who have married into the family. A few years ago her family had a reunion to gather together and visit with one another, and I was invited to attend. While I had experienced some of the Chinese culture prior to the event, the reunion was the first time that I really got to observe the traditional culture in real life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chinese Culture: A Chinese-American Family Reunion or any similar topic only for you Order Now The event was a very elegant occasion, more like a banquet than the typical American family reunion. There was tons of food, most of which was Chinese, and even Chinese decorations. There were red lanterns strung around the room, all lit as the evening approached. They were very beautiful, but as it turns out they are not used for beauty. The lanterns symbolize good luck and hope. They are used every year in China at the Lantern Festival, when they line the streets to symbolize this same meaning. The color red also has significance in the Chinese culture. It is believed to be the color of luck. Some of the older family members spoke the Chinese language, which was interesting to witness, but most everyone spoke English. I am an American with family roots in Germany, so the two cultures are vastly different. The biggest difference I noticed was how much more reserved the Chinese people seemed to typical American families. Even the children, who were laughing and playing, seemed to be more respectful than American children. This aspect of the culture impacted me the most. I realized how different people are from different parts of the world, and especially those who live in America, but have been raised with traditional Chinese values. It amazes me how different cultures can vary so greatly. I enjoyed this learning experience with my wife’s family and I look forward to many more Chinese events in the future. References: Chinatown Connection, â€Å"Lantern Festival.†Chinatown Connection. n.d.. Chinatown Connection. 5 May 2008 Lee, Danile. â€Å"Chinese People Lifestyle.†Chinatown Connection. n.d.. Chinatown Connection. 5 May 2008 How to cite The Chinese Culture: A Chinese-American Family Reunion, Essay examples
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