Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Smile Too Much Essays - Concept Albums, Facial Expressions, Laughter
Smile Too Much Essays - Concept Albums, Facial Expressions, Laughter Smile Too Much Smile Too Much? Over the years women have always smiled and you never know why. Women smiling is and everyday occurrence but unlike men they don?t smile as much. Men are more of the type who likes to look big, bad and brave so they think that smiling isn?t for men. When men and women smile around other people it makes them feel more comfortable to be around them. I have experienced being very nervous about being around people who don?t smile and it?s kind of uncomfortable to be around them, because you never know if they?re in a good mood or a bad mood. Most adults these days especially men don?t smile as much because of the economy and how it?s going downhill. For instance they might not be smiling because they just went to get gas and it was over three bucks a gallon and they thought that was absolutely outrageous. Smiling is important to a lot of people so they know how to feel around one person. Amy Cunningham had a very good perspective of smiling between women and men. Her husband stated ?Your smiling face and unthreatening demeanor make people like you in a fuzzy way, but that doesn?t seem to be what you?re after these days.? Smiling is important in women?s lives because we smile constantly. Men smile sometimes but it?s not as common as women do. Guys sometimes judge girls/women on their smile because your smile shows some of your personality. Take me for example I?m usually always smiling when I walk into a classroom or say hi to people I pass in the hallways. Some girls would just not smile at all or be one of the girls who live in their own little world and not smile at anything. Men on the other hand try to avoid smiling because they want to look like a man and men don?t smile, they hide it so people can?t see their emotions. In my opinion some guys smile are great and I don?t know why they would want to hide it front of people. When it comes to Smiling between men an d women it works in a bunch of different ways. In other countries smiling can be used as showing them how they hide their feelings like pain or sadness. People expect women to smile no matter how they feel. Like ?let?s take the example of the woman walking down the street, A car full of guy are driving and see a lady walking down the street and yell ? hey baby, smile! Life?s not that bad is it If women don?t smile everybody thinks something is wrong with her. ?Women weren?t expected to seem animated and responsive; in fact, immoderate laughter was once considered one of the more conspicuous vices a woman could have, and mirth was downright sinful.? See in the earlier days it was said it was bad for women to smile or laugh. But when men don?t smile everyone thinks is a natural thing that guys shouldn?t smile or be made to smile. A weakness I thought that stood out the most would have to be that Cunningham didn?t mention about guys smiling, yes I know this article I read was about women smiling, but, they need to at least put some input into men smiling as well. Also it doesn?t mention a lot about if women never smiled or wouldn?t smile. Women smile a lot but when they don?t there is a reason for that and some people don?t take that into consideration that there are reasons why we don?t smile and that we don?t always have to tell people what is wrong. Some of the time women smile so people don?t notice they are hurting inside because they don?t want to be bothered by all the questions of why you aren?t happy. Women don?t have to smile but they were expected to back in the days when women had to smile. But honestly I think that was unfair because women had to be the one who looked happy all the time even if they didn?t want to. Unlike men they got to chosen when they wanted to smile. In these days in
Monday, March 2, 2020
Data Definition and Examples of Data in Argument
Data Definition and Examples of Data in Argument In the Toulmin model of argument, data is the evidence or specific information that supports a claim. The Toulmin model was introduced by British philosopher Stephen Toulmin in his book The Uses of Argument (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1958). What Toulmin calls data is sometimes referred to as evidence, reasons, or grounds. Examples and Observations: Challenged to defend our claim by a questioner who asks, What have you got to go on?, we appeal to the relevant facts at our disposal, which Toulmin calls our data (D). It may turn out to be necessary to establish the correctness of these facts in a preliminary argument. But their acceptance by the challenger, whether immediate or indirect, does not necessarily end the defense.(David Hitchcock and Bart Verheij, Introduction to Arguing on the Toulmin Model: New Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation. Springer, 2006) Three Types of Data In an argumentative analysis, a distinction is often made between three data types: data of the first, second and third order. First-order data are the convictions of the receiver; second-order data are claims by the source, and third-order data are the opinions of others as cited by the source. First-order data offer the best possibilities for convincing argumentation: the receiver is, after all, convinced of the data. Second-order data are dangerous when the credibility of the source is low; in that case, third-order data must be resorted to. (Jan Renkema, Introduction to Discourse Studies. John Benjamins, 2004) The Three Elements in an Argument Toulmin suggested that every argument (if it deserves to be called an argument) must consist of three elements: data, warrant, and claim.The claim answers the question What are you trying to get me to believe?it is the ending belief. Consider the following unit of proof: Uninsured Americans are going without needed medical care because they are unable to afford it. Because access to health care is a basic human right, the United States should establish a system of national health insurance. The claim in this argument is that the United States should establish a system of national health insurance.Data (also sometimes called evidence) answers the question What have we got to go on?it is the beginning belief. In the foregoing example of a unit of proof, the data is the statement that uninsured Americans are going without needed medical care because they are unable to afford it. In the context of a debate round, a debater would be expected to offer statistics or an authoritative quotati on to establish the trustworthiness of this data. Warrant answers the question How does the data lead to the claim?it is the connector between the beginning belief and the ending belief. In the unit of proof about health care, the warrant is the statement that access to health care is a basic human right. A debater would be expected to offer some support for this warrant. (R. E. Edwards, Competitive Debate: The Official Guide. Penguin, 2008) Data would be counted as premises under the standard analysis. (J. B. Freeman, Dialectics and the Macrostructure of Arguments. Walter de Gruyter, 1991) Pronunciation: DAY-tuh or DAH-tuh Also Known As: grounds
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