Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Analysis Of The Book Romans - 1725 Words
Introduction Reaching Chapter seven in the book of Romans, the framework for Paul’s theology has been laid out with a basis on God’s righteousness and humanity’s sinfulness as illuminated by the Mosaic law. In Chapter seven Paul furthers his discussion on the power of sin. This discussion offered by Paul must be preceded by a discussion of who in fact Paul is referencing in this passage. The question rests in his use of the word â€Å"ÃŽ µÃŽ ³ÃŽâ€ translated â€Å"I.†The identity of this â€Å"I†is debated amongst theologians. Answering the question of who is being referenced is a longstanding question which begs exploration. The viewpoints are plentiful, yet the prominence of the law and the nature of Paul’s argument in other portions of this letter and his†¦show more content†¦This paper will thus, look at the specific views on Chapter 7’s â€Å"I,†not isolated from, but in reference to the greater message in the book of Romans. â€Å"I†representing all humanity The perspective, which takes the stance that Paul is referencing all humanity, seeks to affirm the far reaching nature of sin. All humanity is affected by sin and faces the same struggles that Paul is describing. This viewpoint’s emphasis on the reach of sin is expressed by Jan Lambrecht when he says: â€Å"The inner conflict and division can be experienced everywhere and at all times, by everybody†(Lambrecht 63). This viewpoint was brought to focus by Kà ¼mmel at the beginning of the 20th Century; â€Å"In this epochal study, Kà ¼mmel contends that the description of the ÃŽ µÃŽ ³ÃŽ in Rom 7 is purely a rhetorical device in which Paul s own experience is not in view. Rom 7 pictures the human in general, who assents to the Law s demand but is unable to accomplish it†(Seifrid 313). Those who would hold to this view would claim that Paul is using â€Å"a known rhetorical device†(Shogren 120). In this view, the one who is speaking as â€Å"I†is merely a hypothetical speaker who serves to represent humanity, rather than a specific individual or individuals. Additionally, this view draws on Paul’s motif throughout the letter of the equality of Jews and Gentiles. It finds grounding in the preceding chapters of the book in which Paul
Monday, December 23, 2019
Boot Camps Essay - 961 Words
Boot Camps The history and explanation of how these institutions are operated The increase in violent behavior amongst Americas youth has prompted the implementation of more effective rehabilitation methods. With the percentage of non-violent offenders on the rise, prison incarceration or juvenile detention doesnt seem to be the right solution for rehabilitation. In December 1983 a new idea emerged in Giorgia. This new idea was shock incarceration or boot camp. These temporary institutions were the beginnings of a trend to try and help with the rehabilitation efforts of young offenders. During the early years the majority of the juvenile justice community did not accept this idea with only four institutions existing†¦show more content†¦In April of 1992 this program was introduced into three states Ohio, Colorado and Alabama. It combined a military-style environment with conditioning, rehabilitation and an aftercare program. This program catered to nonviolent youth between the ages of 13 to 18. It also has three phases that the inmates must su ccessfully pass in order to complete their sentence. The first phase is selection (including screening and intake). This phase consisted of selecting inmates who have not been convicted of any of the following: murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, aggravated arson, felony assaults and kidnapping. All of the inmates are required to take a medical examination prior to entering the program due to the physically demanding environment. Alcohol and drug associated inmates were accepted as long as they were not addicted to these substances. Each program consisted of a 3-month military-like residential phase followed by a community aftercare phase of up to 9 months. (Felker and Bourque 10) During their three-month stay at boot camp undisciplined inmates would be dealt with in several ways. The punishments were fairly clear: for minor incidents, extra pushups or drill time sufficed; for major flagrantShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of The Boot Camps2381 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction Boot camps became a force to be reckoned with in the 1980s. It was at first imagined as a powerful apparatus for settling behavioral issues of high schoolers. This approach was gotten from the military style of rectifying the conduct of blundering individuals from the military. Boot camps for young people have turned into a well known disciplinary alternative for guardians with juvenile kids. Regularly prescribed by instructors or by state equity frameworks as a contrasting option toRead MoreJuvenile Boot Camps1281 Words  | 6 PagesJuvenile Boot Camps In this project I am going to talk about the problem that different states have in juvenile offenders and how they deal with them in regards to juvenile boot camps, also I am going to explain what is known about juvenile boot camps in the United States, the degree of success of these efforts, and a general summary of boot camps. With that in mind I am going to answer 4 different questions in order to gain a better understanding of this program. The questions I will answerRead MoreCorrectional Boot Camps - Shock Incarceration2187 Words  | 9 PagesCorrectional Boot Camps - Shock Incarceration Abstract While most criminal end up in general population, there are many other ways to do time. Boot camp is an option for petty offenders. Successfully completing the program, criminal offenders can bypass prison all together. Though it may be a safer choice, it is not as easy as it sounds. This paper evaluates the history of correctional boot camps, the eligibility of whom is accepted into the program, the graduation statics, and crime recidivismRead MoreEssay on Boot Camp1400 Words  | 6 PagesBoot Camp With the ever rising prison population in this country, something has to be done rehabilitate criminals rather than just lock them up. Many feel that the â€Å"new†prisons, boot camps are the answer (Champion 1990). I will give a brief overview of boot camp institutions, specifically, about the operation and structure of these, the cost involved with both juvenile and adult facilities, and how effective they really are with regard to recidivism. Boot camps or shock incarceration programsRead MoreThe History of Boot Camps2332 Words  | 10 PagesINTRODUCTION In the military, boot camp represents an abrupt, often shocking transition to a new way of life. Discipline is strict and there is an emphasis on hard work, physical training, and unquestioning obedience to authority. The new private is told when to sleep, when to get up and when to eat. He marches with his platoon everywhere he goes such as to meals and to training. Orders must be obeyed instantly and personal liberty is almost nonexistent. By the end of boot camp the new private has becomeRead MoreEpic Failure at Boot Camp795 Words  | 3 Pagesby the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.†This sentiment was not one that I was not very familiar with before I went to boot camp. Like any young testosterone fueled eighteen year old male, I believed that, with some preparation, my, self perceived, athletic ability and wits would propel me to triumph over the challenges presented by boot camp .After all, I had never really experienced any kind of significant failure in my life: my football team won the league championship year afterRead MoreJuvenile Boot Camps Essay1006 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: Juvenile Boot Camps Juvenile Boot Camps John Coale TESST College CM102 Professor Tuer September 4, 2010 Abstract This paper will discuss the history of the canine dog. This paper will also discuss the different breeds of the canine and its purposes. This paper focuses on the training, handling, and the overall care of the canine by the police or other agencies involving canines. Increased juvenile delinquency and engagement in crime has been an issue of concern to manyRead MoreHow Recidivism Is Better Than Others, And The Researcher1262 Words  | 6 Pagesthe boot camp model, which uses a military style for teaching offenders the discipline they need so they will not break the law upon being released. While boot camps have proven successful in improving the behavior of the offenders while they are at the boot camp, after they are released, research has found they will eventually fall in with recidivism. This indicates that it is important to integrate the aftercare component to the military boot camp model. Taking an interest in the boot camp modelRead MoreThe Effects Of A Developmental Boot Camp1595 Words  | 7 PagesThis research study examines the effects of a developmental â€Å"boot-camp†on the standardized placement test scores of students enrolling in a community college. A developmental boot-camp is described as an online learning environment in which participants work at their own pace to refresh and enhance their skills in math, English, and writing in order to increase their placement scores and possibly place out of developmental community college classes. A community college in North Carolina implementedRead MoreThe Effectiveness of Probation Boot Camps2932 Words  | 12 PagesName: Tutor: Course: Date: How Effective Are Probation Boot Camps? Probation Boot Camps Probation boot camps refer to correctional centers that follow a military essential training model, which emphasizes discipline as well as physical conditioning. They are based on shock incarceration and military techniques, and are aimed at assisting young offenders. The first known boot camp was started in 1971 in Idaho though their popularity did not start until 1983 when they were created in Oklahoma
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Sap Swot Free Essays
Use Porter’s â€Å"5 forces†model to analyze the attractiveness of the standardized business software industry and SAP’s strengths and weaknesses. ?Threats from competitors: differentiation protects a company from competitors when customers develop brand loyalty for its products. It is very costly and time consuming for a company to implement a new ERP system. We will write a custom essay sample on Sap Swot or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the examples given by the case was Chevron, which spent over $100 million and 2 years installing and getting its R/3 system operating effectively. Therefore, once customer implements SAP software for the company, it rarely changes to another competitors’ product. Power suppliers: powerful suppliers become less of a problem because the differentiated company’s strategy is directed toward the premium price it can charge and it can often pay along price increases to loyal customers. For a software company like SAP, there aren’t many suppliers except database and consultants. SAP made the wrong decision of outsourcing both at the early stage of its business. As a result, they lost first-hand knowledge of its customers’ emerging problems and an understanding of the changing needs of its customers. In the 1980s, SAP did not develop its own database management software package; its system was designed to be compatible with Oracle’s database management software. This had repercussions later when Oracle began to catch up technically and develop its own ERP software platform in the 2000s. ?Power buyers: differentiators are unlikely to experience problems with powerful buyers because they offer a distinctive product that commends brand loyalty. SAP focused on the largest multinational companies with revenues of at least $2. 5 billion because these companies would reap the biggest cost savings there. These companies are willing to pay the premium price as they believe the saving in time and costs outweigh the cost of implementing SAP ERP system. ?Substitute products: substitute products are only a threat if a competitor can develop a product that satisfies a customer need similar to the need met by the differentiator’s product. In this case, SAP had faced this challenge in the 1990s when its competitors, such as Oracle, Baan, PeopleSoft, and Marcum were catching up technically and focused their resources on the needs of one or a few industries, or a particular kind of ERP module. New entrants: a new company must find way to make its product distinctive enough to be able to compete, which involves an expensive investment in building some type of distinctive competence. Although only a few global organizations have the resources to compete with SAP, the new entrants threats are still very high in the software industry as technology development and innovation by others could make SAP become obsolete one day. How to cite Sap Swot, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Caltex Annual Report Financial Statements - Click to Get Solution
Questions: 1. How is the group of companies funded? Share capital, debentures? Any options, bonus issues etc. Who owns the group? 2. Does the published set of group financial statements reveal the companys policy on corporate governance? Audit committees? Sustainability? Solvency? Should it? If so, where and why? Answers: 1. From the annual report, it is clear that the funding is done through share capital. The main intent of the company is to have a strong capital that is not burdened by debentures and hence, share capital forms a major part. There are three major substantial shareholder of the company BlackRock Group, Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co and Perpetual limited. Substantial shareholders mean that they provide the major contribution. Caltex has one class of equity shares that is the ordinary shares and the total number of securities comes to 22,465. The annual report signifies the 20 largest shareholder of Caltex (Caltex, 2015). During the period of reporting, 809001 purchases of shares were done on market and the average cost appeared to be $37.05 per share for the equity incentive plan. Other than it, the company also engaged in buyback of shares that amounted to $270 million market share buyback (Caltex, 2015). The share capital of Caltex consists of 270 million ordinary shares that are fully paid. However, no bonus shares or options were provided to any employee in the reported period. 2. Caltex is listed on the ASX and hence adheres to the principles of the governance. The group is committed to provide the best practice through the governance policies and practices. This enables to cater to the need of the stakeholders and shareholders. The published set of financial statements clearly stress on the corporate governance principles. The company clearly discloses all the relevant facts and figures. Caltex has a strong level of compliance that helps in proper and regular disclosure. This can be witnessed by the disclosure of the financial results, dividends, outlook of the profit, main strategic decisions. All are clearly indicated in the annual report. Moreover, full disclosure is provided on the audit committee which is the major highlight of the principles of the corporate governance (Clarke, 2010). The role of the audit committee and its main features is clearly laid down in the annual report. The charter is available atand can be referred at any point of time. S ustainability is even defined in the annual report. It is a forerunner and disclose all the relevant information on emission under the National Pollutant inventory. It is evident from the disclosure that Caltex is a signatory to the Australian Packaging covenant with a compliance of 100% among the product suppliers. The part dealing with the solvency can be easily projected through the financial statements. Financial statements provide detail explanation of every item and hence, a clear cut interpretation can be done related to the solvency of the company. The principles of corporate governance ensure that proper disclosure is done so that the interest of the shareholder is not compromised (Horngren, 2013). By looking at the financial statements it can be commented that the company adheres to the principles of the corporate governance. Therefore, adequate disclosure is justified. All the sections are properly highlighted indicating that it meets the criteria of corporate governance. References Caltex 2015, Caltex: Annual report and accounts 2014, viewed 23 May 2016. Clarke, T 2010, International Corporate Governance, London and New York, Routledge. Horngren, C 2013, Financial accounting, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W, Pearson Australia Group.
Caltex Annual Report Financial Statements - Click to Get Solution
Questions: 1. How is the group of companies funded? Share capital, debentures? Any options, bonus issues etc. Who owns the group? 2. Does the published set of group financial statements reveal the companys policy on corporate governance? Audit committees? Sustainability? Solvency? Should it? If so, where and why? Answers: 1. From the annual report, it is clear that the funding is done through share capital. The main intent of the company is to have a strong capital that is not burdened by debentures and hence, share capital forms a major part. There are three major substantial shareholder of the company BlackRock Group, Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co and Perpetual limited. Substantial shareholders mean that they provide the major contribution. Caltex has one class of equity shares that is the ordinary shares and the total number of securities comes to 22,465. The annual report signifies the 20 largest shareholder of Caltex (Caltex, 2015). During the period of reporting, 809001 purchases of shares were done on market and the average cost appeared to be $37.05 per share for the equity incentive plan. Other than it, the company also engaged in buyback of shares that amounted to $270 million market share buyback (Caltex, 2015). The share capital of Caltex consists of 270 million ordinary shares that are fully paid. However, no bonus shares or options were provided to any employee in the reported period. 2. Caltex is listed on the ASX and hence adheres to the principles of the governance. The group is committed to provide the best practice through the governance policies and practices. This enables to cater to the need of the stakeholders and shareholders. The published set of financial statements clearly stress on the corporate governance principles. The company clearly discloses all the relevant facts and figures. Caltex has a strong level of compliance that helps in proper and regular disclosure. This can be witnessed by the disclosure of the financial results, dividends, outlook of the profit, main strategic decisions. All are clearly indicated in the annual report. Moreover, full disclosure is provided on the audit committee which is the major highlight of the principles of the corporate governance (Clarke, 2010). The role of the audit committee and its main features is clearly laid down in the annual report. The charter is available atand can be referred at any point of time. S ustainability is even defined in the annual report. It is a forerunner and disclose all the relevant information on emission under the National Pollutant inventory. It is evident from the disclosure that Caltex is a signatory to the Australian Packaging covenant with a compliance of 100% among the product suppliers. The part dealing with the solvency can be easily projected through the financial statements. Financial statements provide detail explanation of every item and hence, a clear cut interpretation can be done related to the solvency of the company. The principles of corporate governance ensure that proper disclosure is done so that the interest of the shareholder is not compromised (Horngren, 2013). By looking at the financial statements it can be commented that the company adheres to the principles of the corporate governance. Therefore, adequate disclosure is justified. All the sections are properly highlighted indicating that it meets the criteria of corporate governance. References Caltex 2015, Caltex: Annual report and accounts 2014, viewed 23 May 2016. Clarke, T 2010, International Corporate Governance, London and New York, Routledge. Horngren, C 2013, Financial accounting, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W, Pearson Australia Group.
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