Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Analysis Of The Book Romans - 1725 Words
Introduction Reaching Chapter seven in the book of Romans, the framework for Paul’s theology has been laid out with a basis on God’s righteousness and humanity’s sinfulness as illuminated by the Mosaic law. In Chapter seven Paul furthers his discussion on the power of sin. This discussion offered by Paul must be preceded by a discussion of who in fact Paul is referencing in this passage. The question rests in his use of the word â€Å"ÃŽ µÃŽ ³ÃŽâ€ translated â€Å"I.†The identity of this â€Å"I†is debated amongst theologians. Answering the question of who is being referenced is a longstanding question which begs exploration. The viewpoints are plentiful, yet the prominence of the law and the nature of Paul’s argument in other portions of this letter and his†¦show more content†¦This paper will thus, look at the specific views on Chapter 7’s â€Å"I,†not isolated from, but in reference to the greater message in the book of Romans. â€Å"I†representing all humanity The perspective, which takes the stance that Paul is referencing all humanity, seeks to affirm the far reaching nature of sin. All humanity is affected by sin and faces the same struggles that Paul is describing. This viewpoint’s emphasis on the reach of sin is expressed by Jan Lambrecht when he says: â€Å"The inner conflict and division can be experienced everywhere and at all times, by everybody†(Lambrecht 63). This viewpoint was brought to focus by Kà ¼mmel at the beginning of the 20th Century; â€Å"In this epochal study, Kà ¼mmel contends that the description of the ÃŽ µÃŽ ³ÃŽ in Rom 7 is purely a rhetorical device in which Paul s own experience is not in view. Rom 7 pictures the human in general, who assents to the Law s demand but is unable to accomplish it†(Seifrid 313). Those who would hold to this view would claim that Paul is using â€Å"a known rhetorical device†(Shogren 120). In this view, the one who is speaking as â€Å"I†is merely a hypothetical speaker who serves to represent humanity, rather than a specific individual or individuals. Additionally, this view draws on Paul’s motif throughout the letter of the equality of Jews and Gentiles. It finds grounding in the preceding chapters of the book in which Paul
Monday, December 23, 2019
Boot Camps Essay - 961 Words
Boot Camps The history and explanation of how these institutions are operated The increase in violent behavior amongst Americas youth has prompted the implementation of more effective rehabilitation methods. With the percentage of non-violent offenders on the rise, prison incarceration or juvenile detention doesnt seem to be the right solution for rehabilitation. In December 1983 a new idea emerged in Giorgia. This new idea was shock incarceration or boot camp. These temporary institutions were the beginnings of a trend to try and help with the rehabilitation efforts of young offenders. During the early years the majority of the juvenile justice community did not accept this idea with only four institutions existing†¦show more content†¦In April of 1992 this program was introduced into three states Ohio, Colorado and Alabama. It combined a military-style environment with conditioning, rehabilitation and an aftercare program. This program catered to nonviolent youth between the ages of 13 to 18. It also has three phases that the inmates must su ccessfully pass in order to complete their sentence. The first phase is selection (including screening and intake). This phase consisted of selecting inmates who have not been convicted of any of the following: murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, aggravated arson, felony assaults and kidnapping. All of the inmates are required to take a medical examination prior to entering the program due to the physically demanding environment. Alcohol and drug associated inmates were accepted as long as they were not addicted to these substances. Each program consisted of a 3-month military-like residential phase followed by a community aftercare phase of up to 9 months. (Felker and Bourque 10) During their three-month stay at boot camp undisciplined inmates would be dealt with in several ways. The punishments were fairly clear: for minor incidents, extra pushups or drill time sufficed; for major flagrantShow MoreRelatedEvaluation Of The Boot Camps2381 Words  | 10 PagesIntroduction Boot camps became a force to be reckoned with in the 1980s. It was at first imagined as a powerful apparatus for settling behavioral issues of high schoolers. This approach was gotten from the military style of rectifying the conduct of blundering individuals from the military. Boot camps for young people have turned into a well known disciplinary alternative for guardians with juvenile kids. Regularly prescribed by instructors or by state equity frameworks as a contrasting option toRead MoreJuvenile Boot Camps1281 Words  | 6 PagesJuvenile Boot Camps In this project I am going to talk about the problem that different states have in juvenile offenders and how they deal with them in regards to juvenile boot camps, also I am going to explain what is known about juvenile boot camps in the United States, the degree of success of these efforts, and a general summary of boot camps. With that in mind I am going to answer 4 different questions in order to gain a better understanding of this program. The questions I will answerRead MoreCorrectional Boot Camps - Shock Incarceration2187 Words  | 9 PagesCorrectional Boot Camps - Shock Incarceration Abstract While most criminal end up in general population, there are many other ways to do time. Boot camp is an option for petty offenders. Successfully completing the program, criminal offenders can bypass prison all together. Though it may be a safer choice, it is not as easy as it sounds. This paper evaluates the history of correctional boot camps, the eligibility of whom is accepted into the program, the graduation statics, and crime recidivismRead MoreEssay on Boot Camp1400 Words  | 6 PagesBoot Camp With the ever rising prison population in this country, something has to be done rehabilitate criminals rather than just lock them up. Many feel that the â€Å"new†prisons, boot camps are the answer (Champion 1990). I will give a brief overview of boot camp institutions, specifically, about the operation and structure of these, the cost involved with both juvenile and adult facilities, and how effective they really are with regard to recidivism. Boot camps or shock incarceration programsRead MoreThe History of Boot Camps2332 Words  | 10 PagesINTRODUCTION In the military, boot camp represents an abrupt, often shocking transition to a new way of life. Discipline is strict and there is an emphasis on hard work, physical training, and unquestioning obedience to authority. The new private is told when to sleep, when to get up and when to eat. He marches with his platoon everywhere he goes such as to meals and to training. Orders must be obeyed instantly and personal liberty is almost nonexistent. By the end of boot camp the new private has becomeRead MoreEpic Failure at Boot Camp795 Words  | 3 Pagesby the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.†This sentiment was not one that I was not very familiar with before I went to boot camp. Like any young testosterone fueled eighteen year old male, I believed that, with some preparation, my, self perceived, athletic ability and wits would propel me to triumph over the challenges presented by boot camp .After all, I had never really experienced any kind of significant failure in my life: my football team won the league championship year afterRead MoreJuvenile Boot Camps Essay1006 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: Juvenile Boot Camps Juvenile Boot Camps John Coale TESST College CM102 Professor Tuer September 4, 2010 Abstract This paper will discuss the history of the canine dog. This paper will also discuss the different breeds of the canine and its purposes. This paper focuses on the training, handling, and the overall care of the canine by the police or other agencies involving canines. Increased juvenile delinquency and engagement in crime has been an issue of concern to manyRead MoreHow Recidivism Is Better Than Others, And The Researcher1262 Words  | 6 Pagesthe boot camp model, which uses a military style for teaching offenders the discipline they need so they will not break the law upon being released. While boot camps have proven successful in improving the behavior of the offenders while they are at the boot camp, after they are released, research has found they will eventually fall in with recidivism. This indicates that it is important to integrate the aftercare component to the military boot camp model. Taking an interest in the boot camp modelRead MoreThe Effects Of A Developmental Boot Camp1595 Words  | 7 PagesThis research study examines the effects of a developmental â€Å"boot-camp†on the standardized placement test scores of students enrolling in a community college. A developmental boot-camp is described as an online learning environment in which participants work at their own pace to refresh and enhance their skills in math, English, and writing in order to increase their placement scores and possibly place out of developmental community college classes. A community college in North Carolina implementedRead MoreThe Effectiveness of Probation Boot Camps2932 Words  | 12 PagesName: Tutor: Course: Date: How Effective Are Probation Boot Camps? Probation Boot Camps Probation boot camps refer to correctional centers that follow a military essential training model, which emphasizes discipline as well as physical conditioning. They are based on shock incarceration and military techniques, and are aimed at assisting young offenders. The first known boot camp was started in 1971 in Idaho though their popularity did not start until 1983 when they were created in Oklahoma
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Sap Swot Free Essays
Use Porter’s â€Å"5 forces†model to analyze the attractiveness of the standardized business software industry and SAP’s strengths and weaknesses. ?Threats from competitors: differentiation protects a company from competitors when customers develop brand loyalty for its products. It is very costly and time consuming for a company to implement a new ERP system. We will write a custom essay sample on Sap Swot or any similar topic only for you Order Now One of the examples given by the case was Chevron, which spent over $100 million and 2 years installing and getting its R/3 system operating effectively. Therefore, once customer implements SAP software for the company, it rarely changes to another competitors’ product. Power suppliers: powerful suppliers become less of a problem because the differentiated company’s strategy is directed toward the premium price it can charge and it can often pay along price increases to loyal customers. For a software company like SAP, there aren’t many suppliers except database and consultants. SAP made the wrong decision of outsourcing both at the early stage of its business. As a result, they lost first-hand knowledge of its customers’ emerging problems and an understanding of the changing needs of its customers. In the 1980s, SAP did not develop its own database management software package; its system was designed to be compatible with Oracle’s database management software. This had repercussions later when Oracle began to catch up technically and develop its own ERP software platform in the 2000s. ?Power buyers: differentiators are unlikely to experience problems with powerful buyers because they offer a distinctive product that commends brand loyalty. SAP focused on the largest multinational companies with revenues of at least $2. 5 billion because these companies would reap the biggest cost savings there. These companies are willing to pay the premium price as they believe the saving in time and costs outweigh the cost of implementing SAP ERP system. ?Substitute products: substitute products are only a threat if a competitor can develop a product that satisfies a customer need similar to the need met by the differentiator’s product. In this case, SAP had faced this challenge in the 1990s when its competitors, such as Oracle, Baan, PeopleSoft, and Marcum were catching up technically and focused their resources on the needs of one or a few industries, or a particular kind of ERP module. New entrants: a new company must find way to make its product distinctive enough to be able to compete, which involves an expensive investment in building some type of distinctive competence. Although only a few global organizations have the resources to compete with SAP, the new entrants threats are still very high in the software industry as technology development and innovation by others could make SAP become obsolete one day. How to cite Sap Swot, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Caltex Annual Report Financial Statements - Click to Get Solution
Questions: 1. How is the group of companies funded? Share capital, debentures? Any options, bonus issues etc. Who owns the group? 2. Does the published set of group financial statements reveal the companys policy on corporate governance? Audit committees? Sustainability? Solvency? Should it? If so, where and why? Answers: 1. From the annual report, it is clear that the funding is done through share capital. The main intent of the company is to have a strong capital that is not burdened by debentures and hence, share capital forms a major part. There are three major substantial shareholder of the company BlackRock Group, Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co and Perpetual limited. Substantial shareholders mean that they provide the major contribution. Caltex has one class of equity shares that is the ordinary shares and the total number of securities comes to 22,465. The annual report signifies the 20 largest shareholder of Caltex (Caltex, 2015). During the period of reporting, 809001 purchases of shares were done on market and the average cost appeared to be $37.05 per share for the equity incentive plan. Other than it, the company also engaged in buyback of shares that amounted to $270 million market share buyback (Caltex, 2015). The share capital of Caltex consists of 270 million ordinary shares that are fully paid. However, no bonus shares or options were provided to any employee in the reported period. 2. Caltex is listed on the ASX and hence adheres to the principles of the governance. The group is committed to provide the best practice through the governance policies and practices. This enables to cater to the need of the stakeholders and shareholders. The published set of financial statements clearly stress on the corporate governance principles. The company clearly discloses all the relevant facts and figures. Caltex has a strong level of compliance that helps in proper and regular disclosure. This can be witnessed by the disclosure of the financial results, dividends, outlook of the profit, main strategic decisions. All are clearly indicated in the annual report. Moreover, full disclosure is provided on the audit committee which is the major highlight of the principles of the corporate governance (Clarke, 2010). The role of the audit committee and its main features is clearly laid down in the annual report. The charter is available atand can be referred at any point of time. S ustainability is even defined in the annual report. It is a forerunner and disclose all the relevant information on emission under the National Pollutant inventory. It is evident from the disclosure that Caltex is a signatory to the Australian Packaging covenant with a compliance of 100% among the product suppliers. The part dealing with the solvency can be easily projected through the financial statements. Financial statements provide detail explanation of every item and hence, a clear cut interpretation can be done related to the solvency of the company. The principles of corporate governance ensure that proper disclosure is done so that the interest of the shareholder is not compromised (Horngren, 2013). By looking at the financial statements it can be commented that the company adheres to the principles of the corporate governance. Therefore, adequate disclosure is justified. All the sections are properly highlighted indicating that it meets the criteria of corporate governance. References Caltex 2015, Caltex: Annual report and accounts 2014, viewed 23 May 2016. Clarke, T 2010, International Corporate Governance, London and New York, Routledge. Horngren, C 2013, Financial accounting, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W, Pearson Australia Group.
Caltex Annual Report Financial Statements - Click to Get Solution
Questions: 1. How is the group of companies funded? Share capital, debentures? Any options, bonus issues etc. Who owns the group? 2. Does the published set of group financial statements reveal the companys policy on corporate governance? Audit committees? Sustainability? Solvency? Should it? If so, where and why? Answers: 1. From the annual report, it is clear that the funding is done through share capital. The main intent of the company is to have a strong capital that is not burdened by debentures and hence, share capital forms a major part. There are three major substantial shareholder of the company BlackRock Group, Lazard Asset Management Pacific Co and Perpetual limited. Substantial shareholders mean that they provide the major contribution. Caltex has one class of equity shares that is the ordinary shares and the total number of securities comes to 22,465. The annual report signifies the 20 largest shareholder of Caltex (Caltex, 2015). During the period of reporting, 809001 purchases of shares were done on market and the average cost appeared to be $37.05 per share for the equity incentive plan. Other than it, the company also engaged in buyback of shares that amounted to $270 million market share buyback (Caltex, 2015). The share capital of Caltex consists of 270 million ordinary shares that are fully paid. However, no bonus shares or options were provided to any employee in the reported period. 2. Caltex is listed on the ASX and hence adheres to the principles of the governance. The group is committed to provide the best practice through the governance policies and practices. This enables to cater to the need of the stakeholders and shareholders. The published set of financial statements clearly stress on the corporate governance principles. The company clearly discloses all the relevant facts and figures. Caltex has a strong level of compliance that helps in proper and regular disclosure. This can be witnessed by the disclosure of the financial results, dividends, outlook of the profit, main strategic decisions. All are clearly indicated in the annual report. Moreover, full disclosure is provided on the audit committee which is the major highlight of the principles of the corporate governance (Clarke, 2010). The role of the audit committee and its main features is clearly laid down in the annual report. The charter is available atand can be referred at any point of time. S ustainability is even defined in the annual report. It is a forerunner and disclose all the relevant information on emission under the National Pollutant inventory. It is evident from the disclosure that Caltex is a signatory to the Australian Packaging covenant with a compliance of 100% among the product suppliers. The part dealing with the solvency can be easily projected through the financial statements. Financial statements provide detail explanation of every item and hence, a clear cut interpretation can be done related to the solvency of the company. The principles of corporate governance ensure that proper disclosure is done so that the interest of the shareholder is not compromised (Horngren, 2013). By looking at the financial statements it can be commented that the company adheres to the principles of the corporate governance. Therefore, adequate disclosure is justified. All the sections are properly highlighted indicating that it meets the criteria of corporate governance. References Caltex 2015, Caltex: Annual report and accounts 2014, viewed 23 May 2016. Clarke, T 2010, International Corporate Governance, London and New York, Routledge. Horngren, C 2013, Financial accounting, Frenchs Forest, N.S.W, Pearson Australia Group.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Austin Younger Period 3 Essays - Characters In Hamlet,
Austin YoungerPeriod 3 ?Hamlet's Flaw? Hamlet's father, the king of Denmark, has died suddenly. The dead king's brother, Claudius, marries Hamlet's mother and swiftly assumes the throne; a throne that Hamlet fully expected would be his upon the death of his father. Hamlet's father's ghost confronts Hamlet and tells him that his death was not natural, as reported, but instead was murder. Hamlet swears revenge. But rather than swoop instantly to that revenge, Hamlet pretends to be insane in order to mask an investigation of the accusation brought by his father's ghost. Why Hamlet puts on this masquerade and delays in killing Claudius is the central question of the play. But Hamlet did not swear to his dead father that he, detective-like, would investigate. Hamlet swore revenge. And he has more than enough motivation for revenge. His motivations for revenge are made clear when Hamlet says, ?Does it not, think thee, stand me now upon- He that hath killed my king, and whored my mother; Popped in between th' election and my hopes, Thrown out his angle for my proper life, And with such cozenage-is't not perfect conscience To quit him with this arm? And is't not to be damned To let this canker of our nature come In further evil (5.2.71-80). It is this delay in performing the act he has sworn to accomplish which leads to Hamlet's death. The poison on the tip of Laertes' rapier, in a way symbolizes the procrastination that has been coursing through Hamlet's system throughout the play. Hamlet's thoughts focus upon death rather than upon action. Hamlet states this theme when he says, ?To be, or not to be, that is the question/? (3.1.64). The answer escapes Hamlet throughout the play, because it is the wrong question. Hamlet is alive and to be alive means, ?to do? not merely ?to be?. It is his inability ?to do?, and his tendency to question and think rather than to act, which thwarts him from getting a quick revenge, and causes his tragic death. Some may argue that hamlet had reasons why he didn't kill Claudius early on in the play when he had a chance. For one if he had killed him off and avenged his father's death then the play would have ended in Act 1. They might also argue that courtiers and his guards surrounded Claudius so he couldn't kill him. Hamlet never referred to any external difficulty in approaching and killing Claudius. He states that he has ?the cause and will and strength and means To do't,? (4.4.48-49). And even Laertes who is less popular than Hamlet quite easily raises the people against the king. They could even claim that Hamlet wants to bring Claudius to public justice by setting up the play, ?The Murder of Gonzago.? Hamlet arranges the play within the play not to convince others of Claudius' guilt, but to convince him instead. There is simply no completely provable reason why hamlet did not kill Claudius immediately. Hamlet's tragedy is a tragedy of failure-the failure of a man placed in critical circumstances to deal successfully with those circumstances. In some ways, Hamlet reminds me of Brutus in Shakespeare's book Julius Caesar. Hamlet and Brutus are both popular men who live in mysterious times; both are intellectual, and philosophical; both men want to do the right thing; both men intellectualize over what the right thing is; neither man yields to passion. But here the comparison ends, for though both Brutus and Hamlet reflect at length over the need to act, Brutus is able immediately to act, which is shown when he stabs Julius Caesar, while Hamlet is not. Hamlet is stuck "thinking too precisely on th' event-".
Monday, November 25, 2019
Interpersonal Communication Essay Example
Interpersonal Communication Essay Example Interpersonal Communication Essay Interpersonal Communication Essay Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is an important issue in the social aspect dealing with the different forms of association with other individuals. The said process may involve varying number of individuals but the most important component is the exchange of responses regardless of the nature such as positive and negative. When it comes to the said issue, it is important to consider different factors. The important factors that are needed to be considered in the study of interpersonal relationships include the ways and methods of expression, the types of interpersonal interaction and even the results. These are included in the issues that are essential in the discussion of interpersonal communication. Interpersonal relationship can vary from a professional relationship in the workplace and the academe to personal relationship such the family, friendship and the relationship between man and woman. In the movie, When Harry Met Sally, an important area of interpersonal communication was the main focus which is the interaction between the female and the male population. There are significant views presented by the movie regarding the interpersonal communication between a man and a woman. The main objective is to be able to present an analysis of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the film. I. The basic differences between Harry and Sally (and their friends, if applicable) regarding their nonverbal behavior, nurturance and empathy, friendship, conflict and power. The characters of the movie represent the varying behaviors of the human beings in terms of the interaction with one another. Interpersonal communication can be assessed through the verbal and the non-verbal stimuli and indications. In terms of the non-verbal behaviors of the characters in the film, certain groups of personalities are represented. Harry is the representation of the population who are either different due to their personal beliefs or wanted to be different, thus, they tend to adopt behaviors that are out of the conventional. Being anti-social at some degree, Harry believed that he is different which also make him opinionated about different issues. Oftentimes he perceived that his views on different situations are the standards that should be taken. He can also be described a rebel in his beliefs. Sally on the other hand, can be considered as the representation of the people with structures lifestyle and those that follow the conventional norms. Thus, she is relaxed in conveying what she wants in every details and aspects in her life. She can communicate verbally which can be considered to lessen the need for non-verbal communication. In terms of nurturance and empathy, both of the main characters have the capability to nurture and empathize although they had the difficulties to express these interactions, the years of friendship after the long years of not understanding each other can be considered an important notion in interpersonal communication. Two very different persons had achieved a level of relationship, both friendship and love, that make them understand each other. This relationship of nurturance and empathy can be considered to be essential and vital, since it was able to transcend the personal differences. The story also depicts the complicated interaction between a man and a woman that can be vaguely defined from friendship to the verge of love. This can be considered as the main issue of the story between Harry and Sally, the success or failure of friendship due to the inevitable attraction between man and woman. The main issue specifically being the incapability of the opposite sexes to be friends since the issue of sex lurks with capability to break the friendship or raise the level of relationship to a higher note of human interaction. When the differences of the sexes are defined, commonly there is a conflict in terms of power and other aspects. Varying beliefs in the strengths of the male and the female population can be perceived. These differences were presented through the unfolding of the plot of the movie. Although stereotypical knowledge commonly depicts the physical superiority of the male over the female population and emotional prowess and understanding can be attributed to the female population, there can never be a general rule. II. The different ways that men and women communicate There are varying ways and methods that men and women communicate. The movie deals with the fact that men and women can never be really friends. This can be considered on the basis that attraction can never be ignored, that it is inevitable. This is the main belief of the main character. In the end, some of the view that he considered true really happened. This is due to the fact that friendship can be considered as an intimate relationship. A view that friendship between a man and a woman can be comparable to an intimate relationship is due to the fact that there is commitment. For that matter interpersonal communication and relationship between the two sexes can inevitably lead to another level. Friendship can be considered as one of the most intimate relationship next to love. The possibility of being in a man-woman relationship between friends of the opposite sexes can inevitably be considered. This can be attributed to the fact that the film deals on the attraction in between a man and a woman who initially dislike each other but found attraction as they had learned to understand and empathize each other. [1] There are different ways that a man and a woman can communicate. Due to the fact that interpersonal communication can be classified on the basis of the interaction between same or opposite gender, varying through other factors such as age, culture and the environment wherein they had been raised, determining the classification is a challenge. But a man and a woman can be friends and even a couple. The ways of interpersonal relationship is complicated and complex that it cannot be defined in simple terms. The interaction of the main characters in the film depicts the different ways communication. During the first part, they are opposing each other. The antagonistic communication is one type interpersonal communication. In this type of interaction, the two sides have different ideas and find it hard to empathize with each other. Another type of interaction can be that wherein both parties find it unnecessary to communicate with each other due to lack of common ideas and similarities. Although such interactions are present, there are also other forms that can be considered as positive. These types of relationships and communications are of deeper commitment and interaction. This is where friendship and man-woman relationship can be classified. Another relation that can be considered in this group is that of the relationship for family members. The ways of communication can be considered positive. Verbal and non-verbal communications are also considered as the important ways of communication in the interpersonal level. These two types can be considered as essential to be able to establish relationship and interaction in the society. The verbal communication can be considered as a way of explicit interaction and expression to be able to convey the message to the other party. Men and women can be considered to have different strengths and methods of communication. Thus, its can be a challenge to determine the real message that is needed to be communicated. This can be considered as one of the hindrance in interpersonal communication. Another is the personal differences which can be considered as a challenge in communication and understanding. [2] Another way of communication between the male and the female is through the non verbal indications. According the cliche, actions speaks louder than voice the non-verbal communication can be more effective in expression of deep feelings. Men can be considered to be better in communication through the non-verbal ways, but this cannot be considered as a general rule. Although non-verbal communication is an important method to be able to achieve interpersonal communication and interaction, misunderstanding can be a common scenario. It is important then to consider that the integration of the verbal and the non-verbal ways of communication should be applied to be able to achieve the understanding that is the primary role of the interpersonal communication. III. What about role expectations, and how does this concept apply to the characters on a social and cultural level? On the basis of communication then, there are different expectations between the sexes with regards to the roles that they can undertake in the communication process. Based on the stereotypical standards of the society, the women can express their emotions better through the verbal communication. This can be considered due to the diplomacy and understanding exhibited by the mother in her interaction with the family and other members of the community. Due to the said perception, even in the roles taken by the female in the different aspects of the society, may it be political, religious, etc. the skill to communicate verbally and understand is one of the main focus in considering a woman for the role. On the other hand, due to the perception that the man is the strength of the society, as depicted in the role of the father to support the family, the male members of the population is considered to have the capability to better communicate through the non-verbal ways of communication. IV. What roles perception and stereotypes play in the communication between the characters? In the movie, the differences in the sexes and their perceptions were conveyed. Also some of the stereotypical behaviors of a male and a female were portrayed. The guy being a womanizer is also another stereotype in the story. On the other hand the woman is more family oriented which is the typical characteristic of the females. There are also important behaviors in the world with the differences between the male and the female that the film presented. One is regarding the state of relationships. The movie presented different scenarios wherein a long term and strong relationship can be achieved in different ways, most important of which is to be able to transcend the differences of the male and the female. Another important concept presented is the importance to being with a person for a long period of time to be able to gain a level of harmonious relationship. In the film, the interpersonal relationship of Harry and Sally developed from two people despising each other to being friends. Once they got to know each other better, they were able to understand and empathize. Friendship then was established, a comfortable and mutually beneficial one, for they can exclusively support each other. Due to the fact that they do everything together the friendship developed into a more intimate relationship. V. Do you think that men and women can stay friends without the `sex part` getting in the way? And why? There is a complex interaction of the different interpersonal communication factors that decide the relationship between individuals. In the case of friendship between male and female individuals, attraction can be considered inevitable. This can also be magnified by the fact that they can consider the other person as the only one that they can comfortable confiding their problems and every details of their life. For that matter, friendship becomes very important. Due to the perspective of friendship, there are those who approve and whose that disapprove developing friendship to another level, thus, they consider that man and woman cannot stay are friends. A more important view though is related to the attraction between the male and female. The attraction between the two sexes can be considered as the main reason that can hinder friendship. It is based on the perspective of the person. In relation to the fact that ‘sex part’ can be considered as a hindrance in friendship it can be considered true since as presented, the attraction between man and woman is inevitable. But there are other factors that should be considered. These factors also involve different forms of interpersonal relationship. VI. Does friendship strengthen the relationship of a man and a woman once they become a couple? Interpersonal relationship can be considered as a complicated process in the human interaction. But friendship according to those who experienced it, can attest to the fact that once the man-woman relationship is achieved, friendship strengthens the bond. The movie depicts the fact that sexual interaction can interfere but in the case of the couples who had been together through the adult years, friendship and deep understanding can be considered as the main framework of the relationship. Conclusion In the study that was conducted regarding interpersonal relationship and the scenarios presented in the film â€Å"When Harry Met Sally,†the fact that relationships with other people is a complex process. The most complicated of these relationships is that between a man and a woman. Due to their differences, they tend to be curious and attracted to each other. But they will soon learn that the opposite sex whom they found really different is in fact a complimentary half. A deeper relationship can then be developed towards friendship and even lifetime partnership. The query on the possibility of friendships between the sexes without considering attraction can be considered less important to the fact that through different levels of interpersonal communication between men and women, a deep understanding can be acquired. Reference Conville, Richard and L. Edna Rogers, eds. The Meaning of Relationship in Interpersonal Communication. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998. [1] Richard Conville and L. Edna Rogers, eds. The Meaning of Relationship in Interpersonal Communication. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998). [2] Richard Conville and L. Edna Rogers, eds. The Meaning of Relationship in Interpersonal Communication. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment (Economics) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
(Economics) - Assignment Example The demand for eggs will be inelastic because it is a necessity (food item). For instance, it also takes a low portion of income. The demand for DVD rentals would be relatively inelastic for a consumer who has high inclination for movies, dramas, shows, music etc. Also, it takes very low portion of income as the rentals are lower than acquisition costs. The demand would be elastic for a customer with no interest in music or entertainment. Answer 3 If a firm seeks to raise total revenue, then it must consider the impact of three major factors such as price, substitutes and time on consumers. For instance, the necessities (food, clothing, shoes, automobiles, utilities, communication, transport, internet etc.) have inelastic demand; therefore, a price increase will lead to an increase in total revenue. However, the luxuries (air travel, perfumes, expensive brands etc.) have highly elastic demand; therefore, the price increase will lead more than proportional decrease in demand and reven ue decreases. Next, if a product has greater availability of substitutes in market then price increase of a product will lead to increase in demand of substitute.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
McCardell Enterprises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
McCardell Enterprises - Essay Example He knows Mccardell’s Enterprise intensions of wanting to acquire the Johnston International and depending on how I play my cards he might end up letting out the secrets which will have negative legal implications to the company. If Mr. Jones, in one way or another, manages to share this information with Johnston International of which McCardell Enterprise tends to acquire, it might be legally perceived to be corporate or industrial espionage which will compromise McCardell’s Enterprise legal position Industrial or economic espionage takes place in two major forms. The main purpose of espionage is to collect knowledge about an organization. It may sometime involve the acquisition of intellectual property, such as information on the manufacturing procedure, techniques, ideas processes, formulas and recipes. Or it could include operational information or sequestration of proprietary, such as that on customer datasets, marketing, pricing, sales, research and development, prospective bids,policies, marketing strategies or planning and the change in compositions and locations of production. In this regard, I think that Mr. Jones might be an espionage agent who is spying for McCardell’s Competitors like J.E. Smith & Sons (Nasheri, 2005). He could be another spying agent working for a different company who wants to find out the amount of details that my department knows about the companies that we intend to acquire. It will therefore be important for me to share this information with the CEO in order to determine his position on this issue (John, 2009). One of the most efficient method to collect information and data, which Mr. Jones might be employing, is by infiltrating the ranks of your enemy. The spying agent can bring back all manner and sorts of vital information that concerns the strength and size of the competitor (Walker, 2011).
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Future of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Future of Nursing - Essay Example Among the key contents of the report are recommendations by IOM on the future of nursing education in America. The report recommended that nurses should adopt the culture of full implementation of what they acquire during their education and training. American nurses should be proficient in their duties through the pursuit of education up to higher levels of learning to promote perfection, consistency, and coherence in nursing care. Recommendations outline in the report advocate full collaborating among physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning the health sector. Similarly, the report outlines enhanced information base for nurses, efficient labor planning, and improved data collection. The second recommendation of the report emphasized the need to revolutionize nursing education sector by achieving higher levels of education and training for all professionals. Recommended reforms in education are imperative in providing consistent and coherent academic progression in nursing education. Over the past, American nursing sector underwent several reforms aimed at enhancing the value of education for professionals. Reforms in nursing education are imperative in improving competence among professionals. Most reforms in American nursing education had positive impacts on the minimum level of education required for professionals before accreditation. For instance, reforms in the nursing sector outlined provision for a minimum of as Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. IOM report recommended that at least 80 percent of nurses in every federal health care facility should have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Aiken, 2011). Reforms shifted the focus towards employing only nu rses possessing Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The change of demand to Bachelor of Science in Nursing has prompted revision of curricula in the institutions of higher learning providing the course. Apparently, most nurses in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sony Music Entertainment SWOT Analysis
Sony Music Entertainment SWOT Analysis Sony Music Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment, also known as Sony Music is controlled by Sony Corporation of America. Sony Music is one of the biggest four record companies, ranked as the second biggest global record music companies. Sony has managed to reach at the level of being one the biggest music companies in the world and remain at this stage. Sony Music has collaborated with numerous of artists and others more to come. Sony Music Entertainment contains the music labels: Columbia, Columbia Nashville, Epic, Jive, RCA, Legacy Recordings, Victor Records, Masterworks, Arista, Arista Nashville, Bluebird Jazz, BNA Records Label, Burgundy Records, J Records, LaFace Records, Provident Label Group, U.S Latin, Verity Records and Windham Hill. Porters five forces Porters five forces are the rivalry among competitors, the threat of potential entry, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining powers of buyers and the threat of substitutes. The most competitive force between Porters five forces is the rivalry between producers and sellers in the music industry. The music record industry constitutes 4 significant segments: * Major recording studios: Major companies are firms that have large numbers of artists under contracts with different types of music, such as hip-hop, rock, jazz, country, etc. Major companies may be EMI, Sony Music, Columbia and work internationally. * Independent labels: Independent labels are companies that have fewer artists under contracts, recording one or two music styles and mostly work regionally. * Micro labels: Micro labels have an amount of about 10 artists and focus on a particular music style. * Vanity labels: Vanity labels are companies that focus on independent artists. It is the last segment of the music industry that struggles to become one of the other segments. Rivalry among competitors Sony Music has 3 biggest competitors: EMI, Warner Music Group and Universal Music Group. The competition of these four companies depends on the popularity of the artist and their songs. On this case, if the artist is very popular and promises reassured sales, then the price doesnt play a significant role. On the other hand, if the artists are not known enough then the price is at the same stage of importance as the competition. Furthermore, the rivalry between the competitors is affected by the advertisement and promotion of the songs. There are a large number of competitors that are similar in size, consumer offerings, market and growth. Threat of potential entry The threat of is the weakest force. Even if a new music recording company enters the market, its very difficult to reach the levels of the existing company. In the music industry there are millions of music record firms globally but still the top four remain unbeatable. Bargaining power of suppliers The power of suppliers depends on the popularity of artists. Sony specializes on already famous artists, therefore is difficult to compete, except the other three big organizations. Bargaining power of Buyers * In August 2005 Sony Music was accounted as 32.8% out of 71.7% of retail music sales. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_industry) * Due to economic crisis, people have difficulties on buying CDs Threat of substitutes People prefer listening songs through Internet (YouTube), on radio, on TV channels and other rather than buying the CD. Internet has become a substitute of CD records, through piracy and downloads. This is very an important matter in music record industry, even if they try to fight it, there will always be this competition. SWOT Strengths The second biggest major music company Globally known and recognized A portfolio of successful artists An organized and clear website Channels of distribution: radio, TV, Internet, music record shops Weaknesses Global music piracy (its the biggest issue that worries all music record companies) Opportunities Future successful CD releases with existing artists Releasing MP3 songs Threats The music pirates will drive music record companies to a decrease of their sales Nowadays, music is fashion-obsessed. A wrong selection of an album release may result badly to the company Physical sales are decreasing due to digital music. People are more attracted to download a song rather than buy the whole album. The music record industry has lost  £180m last year in UK. The 95% of music on the Internet is downloaded illegally. (IFPI) Conclusion According to statistics, Sony Music Entertainment is one of the most successful companies in the music record industry. Despite the music piracy that arises in the present time, Sony Music strives to handle this matter legally and commercially by persuading the people especially young to stop and avoid piracy. This is a big threat to the music record industry and it has to be dealt with strategic manner. Companies such as iTunes (Apple) have reduced music piracy, since in order to download a song it has to be bought first. In order to stop this crime, so that the music record companies can function properly and get back on their feet with their sales increasing, some services (Kazaa, Limewire, Bearshare) has to be shut down. The 45% of users of such services has dropped after all US and international legal actions have taken place. References 1. Music Industry [online]. Wikipedia. Last accessed on 10 December 2009 at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_industry 2. EMI SWOT, Music Piracy [online]. Bridgewell. Last accessed on 12 December 2009 at: http://miranda.hemscott.com/ir/sgp/pdf/INI_Music_downloading_September_6th_2004.pdf 3. Sony Music Entertainment [online]. Wikipedia. Last accessed on 12 December 2009 at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Music_Entertainment 4. Facts and Figures [online]. Sony Music. Last accessed on 13 December 2009 at: http://www.sonymusic.com/ 5. CCM Music Recording Company [online]. Last accessed on 11 December 2009 at: http://www.personal-writer.com/sample/marketing-essay/ccm-music-recording-company-step-analysis-swot-analysis-five-forces 6. ITunes claims to be stopping teen music piracy [online]. Gadgetell. Last accessed on 12 December 2009 at: http://www.gadgetell.com/tech/comment/itunes-claims-to-be-stopping-teen-music-piracy/ 7. Internet Piracy: The facts [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI). Last accessed on 12 December 2009 at: http://www.ifpi.org/content/section_news/20050412c.html 8. Online Piracy [online] Guardian. Last accessed on 11 December 2009 at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2009/jan/17/music-piracy
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Human Growth Hormones Effects on Normal and hGH Deficient Children Ess
Human Growth Hormone's Effects on Normal and hGH Deficient Children What is Human Growth Hormone? Human Growth Hormone (hGH) has many uses with today's medical technology. For instance, hGH has proven to be very useful in treating Chronic Renal Insufficiency and Turner's Syndrome in girls (http://www.novo.dk/backgrou/backgrou/bahghuk.htm). Promising studies have also been performed and completed using hGH to quicken the repair of wounds, torn cartliage, and non-healing fractures, as well as treating juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthosis (http://www.novo.dk/backgrou/backgrou/bahghuk.htm). Perhaps Human Growth Hormone's most vital and "popular" function is treating children with a deficiency in their natural hGH levels and children who are shorter than their peers but have no hGH deficiency. Human Growth Hormone is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland of humans and is secreted throughout a person's life. hGH is important in children during their years of growth and in adult metabloism (http://www.novo.dk/backgrou/backgrou/bahghuk.htm). hGH is a protein consisting of 191 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 21,700 (http://www.eng.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/Biotech-Environ/FUNDAMNT/human.htm). What is Growth Hormone Deficiency? Growth Hormone Deficiency is defined as disorders of the hypothalamus, pituitary, or of growth hormone (GH) secretion and metabolism which result in short stature (http://www.icondata.com/health/pedbase/files/GROWTHHO.HTM). A Growth Hormone Deficiency may occur at any time during infancy or childhood, with the most obvious sign being a noticeable slowing of growth (http://www.medhelp.org/web/disframe.htm). Incidence of a GH deficiency is 1/4,000-10,000, and males have more oc... ...tature Caused by Growth Hormone Deficiency. Journal of Pediatrics, 130:205-209. Rosenfeld, R.G. (1997). Is Growth Hormone Just a Tall Story? Journal of Pediatrics, 130:172- 173. Sandberg, D.E. et al. (1994). Growth Hormone: Not For All Short Children. Pediatrics, 94:832-840. Links http://php2.silverplatter.com/physicians/digest/abstract/abst73.htm http://www.gene.com/pressrelease/1981/1_12_81.html http://www.endo-society.org/pubaffai/factshee/shrtstat.htm http://www.immunet.org/immunet/atn.nsf/page/ZQX22601.html http://www.eng.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/Biotech-Environ/FUNDAMNT/human.htm http://www.novo.dk/backgrou/backgrou/bahghuk.htm http://www.medhelp.org/web/growth.htm http://www.medhelp.org/web/disframe.htm http://laran.waismen.wisc.edu/fv/www/lib_grow.htm http://www.icondata.com/health/pedbase/files/GROWTHHO.HTM
Monday, November 11, 2019
Color Theory Essay
Wonder Woman hated men when she first set off to the world from her home, Themyscira, but later understood that she was wrong in her initial assessment of men because she simply didn’t understand men. In Deborah Tannen’s essay, â€Å"Sex, Lies, and Conversation†, the often misunderstood forms of communication between men and women are explored. Gloria Steinem, American feminist who is a nationally recognized leader of the women’s liberation movement in the 1960’s and 1970’s, who expressed how she felt Wonder Woman is an exemplary model of what a feminist is. I believe Steinem would agree with many of Tannen’s views because they are rational, based on research and her essay is meant to bring the two genders to better understand one another. Steinem and Tannen both have the same goal; they both strive to find peace between men and women. Tannen discusses extensively in her essay about how if you understand that both men and women are raised in separate cultures, American man culture and American woman culture. An example of this would be how women place intimacy as the foundation of relationships, and talking as the cornerstone of relationships. The bonds between men can be as intense as women’s relationships, but they are founded less on talk and more on the activities they experience together. Both forms of communication are used to build bonds between peers but do so in different ways, and that’s a pattern that follows both cultures throughout â€Å"Sex, Lies and Conversation†. I believe that Steinem would agree that to have peace between the two sexes, there must be some sort of understanding of how the two sexes communicate with one another. Through that understanding, women would live far bette r lives in a world that seems dominated by men. Throughout her essay, Deborah Tannen is clearly explaining that the problem between the sexes is that there is much mistranslation but that it is reparable and she even goes to state â€Å"Once the problem is understood, improvement comes naturally†. Her essay is something Gloria Steinem would agree on and possibly even recommend to members of her various organizations to help improve their relationship with the world around them. Wonder Woman’s values like self-reliance, peacefulness and esteem for human life are all values that Steinem believes that feminists are trying to introduce into the mainstream. Although Steinem focuses heavily on improving the lives on women, I believe she does that because women are at a disadvantage in today’s society and she’s looking to help bring equality between the sexes. The gap that only a few years separated women from men in society having equal opportunities and rights is slowly disappearing and I think its in large part due to the efforts of people like both Steinem and Tannen. People who are looking to both understand that although men and women are different, they should to be allowed access to the same opportunities. Steinem’s efforts to empower women correlates with Tannen’s effort to bring to light the need of a cross-cultural understanding between men and women because in the end, they just want to see improvement in communication. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to understand that Steinem would agree with Tannen’s attitude towards the failure of communication between the sexes. If people start to understand how to interpret how the two sexes communicate and educate themselves and others, The world would be a better place for everyone. Like Tannen says at the end of her essay, â€Å"like charity, successful cr oss-cultural communication should begin at home.â€
Saturday, November 9, 2019
INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINE Essays - Piston Engines, Free Essays
INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINE Essays - Piston Engines, Free Essays INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINE INTRODUCTION Internal Combustion Engine, a heat engine in which the fuel is burned ( that is, united with oxygen ) within the confining space of the engine itself. This burning process releases large amounts of energy, which are transformed into work through the mechanism of the engine. This type of engine different from the steam engine, which process with an external combustion engine that fuel burned apart from the engine. The principal types of internal combustion engine are : reciprocating engine such as Otto-engine, and Diesel engines ; and rotary engines, such as the Wankel engine and the Gas-turbine engine. In general, the internal combustion engine has become the means of propulsion in the transportation field, with the exception of large ships requiring over 4,000 shaft horsepower ( hp). In stationary applications, size of unit and local factor often determine the choice between the use of steam and diesel engine. Diesel power plants have a distinct economic advantage over steam engine when size of the plant is under about 1,000 hp. However there are many diesel engine plants much large than this. Internal combustion engines are particularly appropriate for seasonal industries, because of the small standby losses with these engines during the shutdown period. History The first experimental internal combustion engine was made by a Dutch astronomer, Christian Huygens, who, in 1680, applied a principle advanced by Jean de Hautefeuille in 1678 for drawing water. This principle was based on the fact that the explosion of a small amount of gunpowder in a closed chamber provided with escape valves would create a vacuum when the gases of combustion cooled. Huygens, using a cylinder containing a piston, was able to move it in this manner by the external atmospheric pressure. The first commercially practical internal combustion engine was built by a French engineer, ( Jean Joseph ) Etienne Lenoir, about 1859-1860. It used illuminating gas as fuel. Two years later, Alphonse Beau de Rochas enunciated the principles of the four-stroke cycle, but Nickolaus August Otto built the first successful engine ( 1876 ) operating on this principle. Reciprocating Engine Components of Engines The essential parts of Otto-cycle and diesel engines are the same. The combustion chamber consists of a cylinder, usually fixed, which is closed at one end and in which a close-fitting piston slides. The in-and-out motion of the piston varies the volume of the chamber between the inner face of the piston and the closed end of the cylinder. The outer face of the piston is attached to a crankshaft by a connecting rod. The crankshaft transforms the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion. In multi-cylindered engines the crankshaft has one offset portion, called a crankpin, for each connecting rod, so that the power from each cylinder is applied to the crankshaft at the appropriate point in its rotation. Crankshafts have heavy flywheels and counterweights, which by their inertia minimize irregularity in the motion of the shaft. An engine may have from 1 to as many as 28 cylinders. Fig. 1, Component of Piston Engines. The fuel supply system of an internal-combustion engine consists of a tank, a fuel pump, and a device for vaporizing or atomizing the liquid fuel. In Otto-cycle engines this device is a carburetor. The vaporized fuel in most multi-cylindered engines is conveyed to the cylinders through a branched pipe called the intake manifold and, in many engines, a similar exhaust manifold is provided to carry off the gases produced by combustion. The fuel is admitted to each cylinder and the waste gases exhausted through mechanically operated poppet valves or sleeve valves. The valves are normally held closed by the pressure of springs and are opened at the proper time during the operating cycle by cams on a rotating camshaft that is geared to the crankshaft . By the 1980s more sophisticated fuel-injection systems, also used in diesel engines, had largely replaced this traditional method of supplying the proper mix of air and fuel; computer-controlled monitoring systems improved fu! el economy and reduced pollution. Ignition In all engines some means of igniting the fuel in the cylinder must be provided. For example, the ignition system of Otto-cycle engines , the mixture of air and gasoline vapor delivered to the cylinder from the carburetor
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Pharaoh Thutmose III and the Battle of Megiddo
Pharaoh Thutmose III and the Battle of Megiddo The Battle of Megiddo is the first battle that was recorded in detail and for posterity. Pharaoh Thutmose IIIs military scribe inscribed it in hieroglyphs at Thutmoses temple at Karnak, Thebes (now Luxor). Not only is this the first extant, detailed battle description, but it is the first written reference to the religiously important Megiddo: Megiddo is also known as Armageddon. The Ancient City of Megiddo Historically, Megiddo was an important city because it overlooked the route from Egypt through Syria to Mesopotamia. If an enemy of Egypt controlled Megiddo, it could block the pharaoh from reaching the rest of his empire. In approximately 1479 B.C., Thutmose III, pharaoh of Egypt, led an expedition against the prince of Kadesh who was in Megiddo. The prince of Kadesh (which is on the River Orontes), backed by the king of Mitanni, made a coalition with the heads of Egypts vassal cities of northern Palestine and Syria. Kadesh was in charge. After forming the coalition, the cities openly rebelled against Egypt. In retaliation, Thutmose III attacked. The Egyptians March on Megiddo In the 23rd year of his reign, Thutmose III went to the plains of Megiddo where the prince of Kadesh and his Syrian allies were stationed. The Egyptians marched to the bank of Lake Kaina (Kina), south of Megiddo. They made Megiddo their military base. For the military encounter, the Pharaoh led from the front, brave and impressive in his gilded chariot. He stood in the center between the two wings of his army. The southern wing was on the banks of the Kaina and the northern wing to the northwest of the town of Megiddo. The Asian coalition blocked Thutmoses path. Thutmose charged. The enemy quickly gave way, fled from their chariots, and ran to the Megiddo fortress where their fellows pulled them up the walls to safety. (Remember, this is all from the perspective of the Egyptian scribe writing it to glorify his pharaoh.) The prince of Kadesh escaped from the vicinity. The Egyptians Plunder Megiddo The Egyptians could have pushed on to Lebanon to deal with the other rebels, but instead stayed outside the walls at Megiddo for the sake of plunder. What they had taken from the battlefield may have whetted their appetite. Outside, on the plains, there was plenty to forage, but the people within the fortress were unprepared for a siege. After a few weeks, they surrendered. The neighboring chiefs, not including the prince of Kadesh, who had left after the battle, submitted themselves to Thutmose, offering valuables, including princely sons as hostages. The Egyptian troops entered the fortress at Megiddo to plunder. They took almost a thousand chariots, including the princes, more than 2000 horses, thousands of other animals, millions of bushels of grain, an impressive pile of armor, and thousands of captives. The Egyptians next went north where they captured 3 Lebanese fortresses, Inunamu, Anaugas, and Hurankal. Sources A History of the Ancient Egyptians, by James Henry Breasted. New York: 1908. Charles Scribners Sons.Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents Volume II The Eighteenth Dynasty, by James Henry Breasted. Chicago: 1906. The University of Chicago Press., by Joyce A. TyldesleyHistory of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Vol. IV. by G. Maspero. London: Grolier Society: 1903-1904.A Gate Inscription from Karnak and Egyptian Involvement in Western Asia during the Early 18th Dynasty, by Donald B. Redford. Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 99, No. 2. (Apr. - Jun. 1979), pp. 270-287.The Battle of Megiddo, by R. O. Faulkner. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 28. (Dec. 1942), pp. 2-15.The Egyptian Empire in Palestine: A Reassessment, by James M. Weinstein. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 241. (Winter, 1981), pp. 1-28.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Answer the question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Answer the question - Essay Example 151). In bureaucratic structures, organizational strategy decisions are organized and controlled by the top management level thus being able to rationalize the entire decision making process (Cunliffe, 2008, p. 78-81). Additionally strategic decision making process is fast since there are few people involved in the process (Luhman & Cunliffe, 2013, p. 83-88). The scientific management theory holds that the most efficient technique of accomplishing an assignment and the selection, motivation and development of workers can be scientifically determined. The employees are not allowed to choose their tasks. On the other hand, the human relations theory focuses on the welfare of the employees, their values and contributions (Luhman & Cunliffe, 2013, p. 140-44). The left wing ideologies are the progressive views that look to the future and purpose to assist those who cannot aid themselves and believe in equality. Left wing supports corporation and inheritance taxes and the redistribution of wealth. The right wing ideologies are that the more productive people should not subsidize the less productive people in the nation. The right wing people believe that they should not pay for other people’s health service or education. They advocate for abolition of inheritance tax. Industrial capitalism implies a social and economic system where industry, capital and trade are privately operated and controlled for profits (Luhman & Cunliffe, 2013, p. 96). It is typified by increase in the use of machinery to sustain economic stability through its production process, routine work assignments and multifaceted separation of tasks between and within the work progression (Cunliffe, 2008, p. 92). Over the past few years, aspects such as increasing size of business units, increasing competition and the split-up of ownership from management have resulted to an augmentation in the need for professional managers. The role and functions of a manager have presently been
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Law Of The Sea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
International Law Of The Sea - Essay Example Part VII of the Agreement deals with living resources of the high seas through Article 116, Article 117, Article 118, Article 119 and Article 120. Before delving deep into the functions of the fisheries management organisations it is of great concern to know what the UNCLOS Articles state on the role of the regional fishery management organisations. Article116 provides the right to fish to all the countries and their citizens to practice fishing on the high seas on certain conditions, which include: (a) Their treaty responsibilities; (b) the rights and duties as well as the stakes of coastal nations provided for, among other things, in article 63, paragraph 2, and articles 64 to 67; and (c) The conditions as given in this Section. Under Article117, the concerned state has responsibility to follow with regard to its citizens assess for management of the marine resources of the high seas. Cooperation with other states in this regard is central to the conservation of marine resources on the high seas (UNCLOS). Under Article 118, the spirit of Article 117 is taken ahead through cooperation states shall take fresh steps and enter into accords with other states for commercially using the similar water resources or dissimilar water resources on the same region with the purpose of conserving the water resources. It is the responsibility of the states to set up regional or sub-regional fisheries organisations (UNCLOS). Article 119 is also dedicated to conservation of fish stocks of the high seas. 1. It stipulates conditions on deciding the permissible catch and setting up other safeguarding steps for the fish stocks, such as: (a) found suitable as based on scientific knowledge on which the concerned states can depend upon for preserving the fish populations of cropped species at standards that ensure long term production as based on suitable environmental and economic considerations, particularly of the developing countries, considering the fishing methods at all levels of fishing – regional, sub-regional and international; (b) States pay attention to the impact on the species related to or relying on harvested species with the aim of preserving fish populations of such related or relying on species beyond limits at which their populations could not be increased through breeding. 2. All global organisations working for conservation and management of fish stocks shall communicate and exchange related scientific facts, catch and fishing statisitics at all levels of cooperation, regional, sub-regional and global with the suitable active contribution from the respective governments of the organisations. 3. Fishermen shall be treated impartially irrespective of the fact related to their specific state citizenship rights while taking conservative steps and enforcing them. Article120 is meant for marine mammals; Article 65 is also relevant to the conservation and management of marine mammals in the high seas (UNCLOS). An attempt at analysing the r ole of RFMOs will include all regional groups. First of all an attempt on the conservation and management of the Northeast Atlantic Region will be made to be followed up with an assessment of the other regions (UNCLOS). Northeast Atlantic Region The production data on chondrichthyans from 1985-2006 in the Northeast Atl
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Keys of Spirituality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Keys of Spirituality - Essay Example Ecclesiology is basically the science of these practices and beliefs. As in the case of Christianity, practices and beliefs in conjugation with different rituals give rise to the valued ecclesial heritage of the Christians (Rolheiser 1999). With the lapse of time, contacts between peoples across the continents increased. And in the last century we have seen people to people contacts have increased almost exponentially. This has resulted into cultural assimilation as well as cultural skirmishes (Woo 2009). Consequently, ecclesial praxis has emerged. Now under the realm of greater spirituality, the specific ecclesial issues are more significant than ever. How should a Christian behave in Europe? And how should he or she behave in India? What should a Christian do when America’s federal government wishes to include sex education even in most conservative educational institutions? How should Christians adjust with their non Christian neighbors? These are few of the questions which are directly related to the ecclesial dimensions of Christian spirituality. In a more heterogeneous and cosmopolitan world, Christian beliefs, practices, and rituals should be made more contemporary with the help of a proper understanding of our ecclesiological heritage. Spirituality of Paschal Mystery Paschal mystery is perhaps one of the most essential components of Christian spirituality. In the sphere of complex modern civilization, it appears to be a real mysterious concern that how the pious nuns and monks remain aloft from worldly sins and prejudices. Ardent followers of Christ, as mentioned in the Christian texts, managed to maintain similar or greater moral values and God fearing characteristics in life. Paschal mystery is thus the branch of theology and spirituality that distinguishes between a common church and a holy pilgrimage. The priests and bishops are classically entrusted with this responsibility. Religious leaders must find out which places have special relevance in religious philosophy and how common people can be benefited by building shrines and monasteries. Paschal mystery opens up the doors for the common people to reach out and live up to the expectations of angels and divine beings. In this way, even a most common man might be able to enter into some kind of dialogue with God during pilgrimage (Rolheiser 1999). Spirituality of Justice and Peacemaking Humans are social creatures, and they have established civilizations and complex systems with their power of invention and intellectual ability. Therefore, we must understand our social systems in an intelligent and intellectual manner. Justice and peacemaking is a prime socio-behaviorist concept derived directly from the Gospel and the New Testament. In this specific realm of spirituality, the common people are taught to remain pious and good towards each other. Spirituality of justice and peacemaking eventually drives us toward intellectual maturity. We are then able to forgive and lov e even the fiercest of our enemies. Rolheiser (1999, p. 188-189) writes, â€Å"In the world’s schema of things, survival of the fittest is the rule. In God’s schema, survival of the weakest is the rule.†This is how the concept of justice and peacemaking has been laid down in Christianity. In this way, being God fearing and religious means that the true Christian will exhibit spiritual behavior by the means of the virtues like love, charity, forgiveness, and compassion. Spirituality of Sexuality But in the contemporary world, sex is time and again regarded as something that we must enjoy. Therefore, today in our society we have things like seductive
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Boston Beer Essay Example for Free
Boston Beer Essay The biggest strength of the company is the brand image it has among the consumers . Boston Beer , specifically the Samuel Adams ,well known from the superior quality and expensive ingredients used along with the traditional brewing techniques which give it an excellent flavor , which cannot be easily copied by the other competitors . In addition the use of less water in its products also has given it a positive advantage in terms of product quality . Weaknesses: Opportunities: The idea to continue to grow in the already overcrowded market of specialty brewers is critical to the success of this company. There are currently over thirteen hundred micro-brewers in the United States with The Boston Beer Company ranked number one in overall sales and sixth in the overall domestic market. Currently the Heineken and Corona brands rank ahead of Samuel Adams in this category in the world market. In the near future the company is leaning towards owning more breweries and cutting back on the contract brewers. Currently the different cost associated with contract brewing involves raw materials, excise taxes and deposits for pallets and kegs and specialized equipment required for beer production. Brewery ownership would involve significant capital investment which could easily exceed $50 million for the combination of purchase, expansion and improvement, or for original construction. Threats: In recent years, all brewers have had to contend with a stagnant beer market and per-capita consumption that is on the decline. The reasoning behind this ongoing trend are attributed to underlying factors such as the low carbohydrate diet rave that has taken off in recent years, the unstable economy, and an increase in market share of wines and spirits. BBC should attack the light beer market. Light beer is the largest selling type of beer on the market, and accounting for five of top ten best-selling beers. As light beer becomes more popular, BBC should listen to customers and follow the trend not to be behind, while others all producing light line of beers to catch more potential customers. BBC already has their own light beer, so they can save time and money to develop the whole new product. From the taste testing, Lightship receives the highest mark, implying that it has a strong potential to success when they approach in right way. It is more about how they introduce the product to the market, rather than inventing a new product. To survive in the strong competition and grab customers’ attention, BBC clearly need to differentiate the image of Lightship from other light beers. Research shows that most of current customers of light beers want different aspects from what Lightship is designed to be. Instead of targeting the same customers with other light beers, Lightship needs to focus on other, untouched customer segment, who seek for full flavor and body with lower calories. As the market tends to trade up to high-end brands, BBC’s brand image will help launch Lightship, emphasizing its high quality and authenticity. To attract first-try customers’, the label should be changed to be more vibrant and energetic, stressing the major images that people think of light beers. There is lot more to gain by having light beer segment than to lose by giving up. Each form of research performed gives the specific contribution depending on its characteristics. A taste test is exploratory research to gain ideas and customer insights. It is designed to explore customer’s perspectives, especially how customers sees Lightship among other competitors in this case. The result shows how much drinking beer counts for part of their lives and who the potential customers of Lightship are, and the valuable comments about major characteristics of beer that they find in each competing brand. This test tells what value customers seek for the most in light beer segment, giving ideas about how BBC should approach to market. Despite of strong brand recognition of Amstel Light, Lightship is ranked in first place, implying BBC should adopt a new way of advertising to increase the brand awareness. This test would be better with questions asking what aspects participants think Lightship should have. ZMET provides hidden knowledge with more depth by eliciting customers’ deepest feelings and emotions about the product. ZMET is a projective method that uncovers the thoughts and feelings associated with the experience of light beers. Even though there are some down sides of drinking beers, people find a lot more positive sides as they see drinking light beer as some kind of rewards, refreshing and energetic activity. This implies there is enough potential for light beer segment to grow much further. ZMET result also gives direction and guideline to BBC. Conducting ZMET certainly contribute to project underlying attitudes and feelings to help BBC to understand their target customers more deeply. However, because of small sample size, there could be limitation of getting broader perspectives. I would divide the sample by age and beer consumption level to get more clear ideas to attract more focused target intensely and effectively. Another qualitative research HBS students conduct is retail research, done through interviews, which generates general ideas of current market situation and how competitors are doing. This also gives brief hints of the price points Lightship should target. I would recommend HBS student to divide the sample groups by visiting habits of customers for each type of retailers. If BBC can find out the place where most potential customers of Lightship frequently goes, it would help reduce waste and backlog of the products produced in distribution process. For example, if customers of sport bar seem to prefer light beer than customers of chic French restaurant do, BBC can save their time and money by focusing on developing improved distribution line with sport bar. The summary collage of ZMET gives valuable ideas that consumers have about their experience with light beers. The most important image associated with light beer is energy and energy giving by offering refreshment. Another image the light beers have is being simple yet great in appearance and in taste. There is duality of the experience, while they see it as rewards but effects of alcohol makes them self-conscious. Sailing represents both calmness and thirst quenching flavor which is refreshing and cold with structure. There are several images representing group activity. People see drinking light beer as the activity that they do with others, which give them group awareness. They want to be in group but to be different from others by having control. People think that the types of beer they drink tell their social status, providing them with group identity. The dilemma of light beer is shown through the hula-hoops representing the balance and control. There are tensions between control and need of releasing inhibition, blandness and simplicity, need for self and group identity, being active and being passive. Since light beers seem to be more attractive to energetic young generation and people who do not drink beers regularly and do not enjoy the heavy taste of beer, having more knowledge of their potential customer group helps BBC to target their customers more effectively without wasting effort of targeting wrong customers. BBC also could have done research about what feature of Lightship people like and dislike. The feature that customers like about Lightship should be kept, and the feature with lower mark given should be altered or discontinued. What BBC can do now is to consider the appropriate way of advertising for Lightship. Research results prove that light beer market is still growing and there is nothing wrong with the quality of Lightship. It turns out to be the awareness of Lightship is low, implying their advertising methods are not eye-catching. By altering their way of advertising, BBC can gain more trial customers, who can be turned into loyal customers. Lightship also needs to target different customer segment, which looks for full body and flavor beer with lower calories. Rather than fighting directly with strong rivals, BBC should target other customer segments by stressing its unique quality and flavor. It is worth trying launching light beer segment.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis Of Ulysses Lord Tennyson English Literature Essay
Analysis Of Ulysses Lord Tennyson English Literature Essay 1) Travelling is a significant symbol throughout the poem and it is clear that Ulysses has travelled for the ten years previous. This can be seen in lines 12-15, where Ulysses informs the reader of the different places he has been with different governments, people, and foods. When he returns home to Ithaca, he realises he needs to keep travelling in order to get the most out of life (Line 6). He compares life as an arch with which the untravelled world gleams through it. He describes where he intends on travelling as beyond the sunset, further illustrating that he wishes to travel places he hasnt been before. Another symbol of this poem is consumption. Ulysses spends his time as king of Ithaca eating and sleeping. He sees his people around him content with eating and sleeping day in day out, referring to them as a savage race and he loses his appetite for food. Ulysses says he will drink / Life to the lees which shows us that he believes that drink will not lead him to getting the most out of life. In line 12, we see his real hunger is for travel and knowledge where he says he has a hungry heart. The symbolism of animals also features in this poem, mainly in regard to the citizens of Ithaca, whom Ulysses refers to as a savage race, rugged, and in need to be subdued. He depicts his people to feed instead of eat and to hoard as if intending to hibernate. Ulysses, however, refuses to end up like them and regards himself as a type of predatory animal who hungers for larger prey, or better things in life, roaming the seas with a hungry heart. 2) In Tennysons poem, aspects of the character of Ulysses and narrative from other sources are adopted. The character of Ulysses was first introduced into literary history by the ancient Greek poet Homer in his works Iliad and Odyssey as the character of Odysseus, the Greek for Ulysses. The character was later used by poets such as Euripides, Horace, Dante, Shakespeare, and Pope. The story of Tennysons poem particularly alludes to the eleventh book of Homers Odyssey, where the prophet Tiresias foretells that Ulysses will return to Ithaca after a difficult voyage, then begin a new, mysterious voyage, and later die a peaceful, unwarlike death that come vaguely from the sea. Tennysons poem ends with Ulysses thinking of going on a new voyage. However, the story of Tennysons Ulysses is far more similar to the character of Ulisse from Dantes Inferno. In the 26th Canto, Ulisse speaks of how he set out with his men for one final journey of exploration to sail beyond the Pillars of Hercules and into the Western Sea. Ulisse was of the opinion that men were not made to live like brutes but to follow virtue and knowledge. Ulisses zeal for adventure, even at the expense of his family, is projected in Ulysses limitless desire for knowledge and travel: And this gray spirit yearning in desire / To follow knowledge like a sinking star, / Beyond the utmost bound of human thought. (3032). Tennysons poem may also allude to Shakespeares Halmet, where the mention of a savage race that hoard, and sleep, and fee, and know not me is echoed in Hamlets soliloquy that states man is no more than a beast if all he does is sleep and eat. Given these literary contexts, it is Dantes Ulisse that fits best with Tennysons Ulysses. This leads to the conclusion that Ulysses entire monologue is probably him remembering a part of his life while in Hell. 3) The poem alludes to only mythical historical events which are discussed in the previous section on the significance of literary texts in Tennysons Ulysses. 4) Ulysses is a seventy-line blank verse dramatic monologue and therefore does not contain a rhyming scheme. In the poem, Ulysses reflects on his situation through a dramatic monologue. He begins by rejecting his unsatisfying life he faces on his return to Ithaca, and then he fondly recalls his heroic past, recognises his son, Telemachus, as a good governor of people, and finally contemplates on plans for another journey. Tennyson uses a quite simple meter by keeping with the standard meter of English poetry of iambic pentameter for most of the poem. An example of which can be seen in line 70: To strive, / to seek, / to find, / and not / to yield. Tennyson also includes different beats to those of iambic pentameter, such as spondees. In line 36, each foot has two stressed syllables in a row: This la-, slow pru, and make mild. Tennyson also uses trochees, as seen in in line 7, Life to, and in line 46 Souls that, where the beats contain a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. By not using constant iambic pentameter, Tennyson makes the poem more realistic as a dramatic monologue, as somebody actually speaking. Tennyson utilises the assonance, the repetition of vowel sounds, to help establish the mood of the poem, as seen in the lines: Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole / Unequal laws unto a savage race, / That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. In these lines, the e sound, which is strongly stressed in the first two lines and becomes a pattern in the latter part of the third, perfectly puts across the speakers dissatisfaction with his life in Ithaca. 5) In taking into account the symbolism, the literary context, and the form of Tennysons Ulysses I have gained a greater insight into the meaning of the poem. In my opinion, the poem captures the thoughts of a well-travelled man who is contemplating on acting on his desire to explore further even though his best years are behind him. We get the sense that after a life of challenging himself through his voyages, he cannot settle into the sedentary life his accomplishments have earned him. His determination to keep exploring and try new things is inspiring. As is his ability to admit he is not suited to the role of ruler over Ithaca and that his son is better suited even though they do things differently. The ending of the poem leaves the reader with an uplifting note of triumph as Ulysses and his crew set off on their final voyage of discovery together.
Friday, October 25, 2019
A Comparison of Wuthering Heights and Heart of Darkness Essay example -
A Comparison of Wuthering Heights and Heart of Darkness  Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness are two similar stories in the effect that they both have dual narrators and that the narrators of both are manipulated to tell stories of similar morals. They differ, however, in the narrative frames, points of view, and some personality traits of the narrators.  The dual narrator arrangement of Wuthering Heights begins with Mr. Lockwood, the naive new tenant of Thrushcross Grange. He seems to be quite the social person and goes to visit Heathcliff who is not so social and actually seems downright inhospitable. Due to weather conditions at the time (which Lockwood was not wise to go out in) Lockwood becomes stranded at Wuthering Heights where he feels quite unwelcome. While spending the night at Wuthering Heights, the curious Lockwood snoops through some books where he find things inscribed by Catherine. He hears the voice of Catherine calling, and calls for help. Heathcliff then runs after the girl who is not in fact a girl, but Catherine's ghost. Heathcliff embraces this ghost and dies with her in his arms. That pretty much sums up the narrative present and Lockwood's role as narrator. Out of curiosity (Lockwood's most important personality trait), he asks Nelly Dean questions about Heathcliff and the girl. At this point Nelly takes over the role of narrator and we shift into the narrative past. Nelly Dean is quite knowledgeable about Wuthering Heights and the events that transpired there; however, she is blunt and opinionated. She does not fail to mention that he has taken a genuine interest in Heathcliff sinc... ...ts we learn about Heathcliff's character in the beginning of the story. In Heart of Darkness we do not find out about Kurtz until the end. In both stories, we depend greatly on the narrators to illustrate the significance of theirs lives. While Nelly was opinionated, she was still able to illustrate the moral of the story as well as the more objective narrator, Marlow. Heathcliff took possession of both the Grange and the Heights, but lost his true love, and Kurtz had fame, jewels, ivory and the gorgeous amazon woman, but not the love of his Intended. The most important similarity, however, was held in common not only by the narrators but by the reader as well. Without curiosity the story of Wuthering Heights would not have begun, Heart of Darkness would not have continued, and the reader would not have held interest in either one.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Surviving on a desert island
Surviving on a deserted tropical island Being stranded on a deserted tropical island is not ideal for most people, especially if you are alone. Although many people who end up in these situations get rescued, it is still important to know five essential tips to survive. Giving purpose to items often ignored and utilizing all available resources is vital. Water is an extremely important essential to surviving, water makes up more than two-thirds of our body weight and works in many different ways to maintain our bodys health, stabilize our metabolism, nd keeping digestion in order.A reason why the island you are stranded on is deserted might be because of the lack of fresh water. If you cannot find a stream nearby then look for coconuts, the milk inside is high in potassium and a variety of minerals. Although you cannot survive off of coconut milk, it will last you until the next rainfall. Collect as much rainwater as you can, because you never know when the next one will occur. Assum ing you cannot contact anyone from your cellphone because there is not a signal on the island, getting noticed is also extremely important. Building a fire that creates lots of smoke is recommended.Using dead and dry palm leaves creates a thicker more noticeable smoke. Collecting dry tinder from trees is helpful, especially hibiscus tree's, which are common on most Pacific islands. A fire is also important for cooking food, staying warm and keeping the insects away. As for food, fishing is an obvious go to. But remain cautious of the types of fish you eat. Stay away from fish with spikes or abnormal structures. Fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, they reduce blood pressure; they are rich in protein, vitamin D, alcium and many minerals.If you have hunting skills you could also go hunting, there is likely to be boars on the island and a variety of other meaty animals. Building a shelter is vital; it needs to be done before dark. That way you do not have to go snooping throu gh a forest in the middle of the night in which you have no idea what lies ahead. Find a spot that provides protection from the wind, sunlight, and animals. Use shaped sticks for the frame and dead palm tree leaves for the roof. Search for a vine to tie together everything so it stays put.Put leaves in the inside of your hut to create a floor to rest on. Waiting patiently is very important. Keep yourself busy so you do not feel like you are going crazy. Go for a swim, work on building a safer shelter and explore the forest. You have plenty of time on your hands, so do as much as you can to make the time pass until you are rescued. References http://www. survivalskillstoday. com/Hot-Tip-How-to-Survive-on-a-Deserted-Island. html http://purpleslinky. com/humor/life/castaway-five-top-tips-to-survive-on-a-deserted- island/ surviving on a desert island By heavyflow
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Women of Frankenstein: Impact Based on Influence
Alexis Montgomery Professor Jonathan Luftig English 102 Women of Frankenstein: Impact Based on Influence The novel Frankenstein touches on many controversial themes such as, solitude, the division of â€Å"good†evil, rejection, debate about Nature vs. Nurture, manipulation and etc. Among the many controversial themes, the one that is constantly mentioned is the rather passive, â€Å"supporting†female roles in the novel. Despite her mother’s feminist and independent legacy, Mary Shelley seemed to have written from a more societal perspective in the roles of her characters as opposed to a rebellious, un-relatable perspective.Examples of this can be found in the relationships between the characters, as well as backgrounds of each. In Mary Shelley’s novel, her female characters seem to reflect women of her time, including herself, in supporting their male counterparts even when socially invisible. As the author, Mary Shelley used her personal experiences and bias’s of her time to write her novel. Mary Shelley’s mother died giving birth to her, leaving her to be raised by her father who was a member of a group of radical thinkers. When growing up without a mother, it is imaginable that your influences are not necessarily limited, but shifted.Mary did not have her mother, so she may have looked to the women of her time as examples of what life was supposed to be like. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote in her â€Å"Vindication of the Rights of Women†, Women are told from their infancy, and taught by the example of their mothers, that a little knowledge of human weakness, justly termed cunning, softness of temper, outward obedience, and a scrupulous attention to a puerile kind of propriety, will obtain for them the protection of man; (Wollstonecraft Chpt II) Women in the early 19th century era were viewed as inferior to men.The place of women was considered to be in their home, privately. Her novel can be considered a way for her to deal with questions of her own autobiography, through fiction. In being raised by just her father, in the radical atmosphere, she was exposed to advanced ideas at an early age. She then became known in the literary circle with people such as Lord Byron, the friend and neighbor of her family. In being surrounded by writers and poets, like Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, she was able to shape and mold her ideas.The company of such men, can be described as a â€Å"writer’s dream†, a place of such intellect and creativity, sparking ideas for such novels like Frankenstein. As Mary Shelley progressed in her personal life, she ended up in an intimate relationship with Percy Bysshe Shelley, causing her to conceive. She conceived children with him over the years, only to find she was unable to support life, losing three of her four children she had given birth to. All but one child, lived a short term after they were born. Losing these children is so significant bec ause it helped her express her feelings on birth through writing.In Ellen Moer’s, â€Å"The Female Gothic: The Monster’s Mother†, she relates Mary’s lose of her children to the creation of the monster. She states, Frankenstein seems to be distinctly a woman’s mythmaking on the subject of birth precisely because its emphasis is not upon what precedes birth, not upon birth itself, but upon what follows birth: the trauma of the afterbirth. (Shelley 321) This supports that Mary Shelley’s feelings of guilt and sadness surrounding birth and the consequences it produces. The loss of her children can be analyzed as expression of personal fears and pains through her writing.Her experiences have made her views of childbirth, into something grotesque and wretched, this causing the creation of the creature. After being unable to reproduce and losing a quality woman of that era were expected to have, Mary not only didn’t have a mother, but also wa s unable to become one herself. While propping the men up, enabling them to function, the women of the novel were also portrayed as weak. The ideas of the women in her novel being portrayed as weak can be viewed as a self-reflection of herself.Being without guidance or female influence, and unable to provide to offspring, she viewed herself as weak. Her personal-reflection of herself is reflected in women of the novel such as Justine, Elizabeth, and even the idea of the female creature. Victor is supported by Justine in everything he does and the creature uses the thought of a female creature as a companion to â€Å"support†him. Men represent all women of Frankenstein, all three narrators are male and they â€Å"narrate†what the women have said because the whole story is told by men.An example of this is when the creature says, My companion will be of the same nature of myself, and will be content with the same fare. We shall make our bed of dried leaves; the sun wil l shine on us as on man, and will ripen our food. (Shelley 103) The female creature would serve as â€Å"support†for the male creature because her purpose only served to be his companion. For his happiness, he would risk creating a creature as grotesque, with fearful looks. His actions and statement prove the selfishness and dominance of men in the novel.Though men are perceived as the dominant role in the novel, it is ironic that the story is centered on letters between Margaret and Robert. If Margaret hadn’t been Robert’s listener and exchanged letters with him, Robert would have no one to tell Victor’s story to, meaning there would be no novel. Margaret being a woman, can be viewed as the reason the novel exists. Being the main character in the novel, Victor and his relationship with Elizabeth play a large part in the examples of how men are the dominant characters, but only sustain their roles because the women are self-sacrificing.Elizabeth’s character traits influence her behaviors in her relationship with Victor by making her easy to manipulate. When Victor’s mother Caroline died, Elizabeth assumed her role in household duties and plays the mother figure. Though she assumes such a role, she has little substance, still passive, with not much contribution to social matters or decisions. In a sense, because she was not heard, she was not seen in a public aspect. Victor was bold, controlling, and selfish, not only in his disregard for female needs and roles in the novel, but also in other instances.His selfishness was portrayed in his desire to create life, in leaving his family and not contacting them, and once he created life, he disowned his creature, shirking all responsibility. Victor was so self-absorbed that he overestimates his importance. This was the reason behind why he was unable to figure out the creature was coming for Elizabeth and recognizes that she now symbolizes vengeance. Her role was so consist ent and insignificant to him that he was unable to fathom the importance of her death as well as its affect on himself.This is shown after the death of his wife, an example is when he states, Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change. The sun might shine, or the clouds might lour; but nothing could appear to me as it had done the day before. A fiend had snatched from me every hope of future happiness. (Shelley 142) In Anne Mellor’s, â€Å"The Female In Frankenstein†, she explores the idea of the destruction of female roles due to the difficulty switching from the public sphere, which was more masculine, to the private sphere, which was more feminine.In the preface Percy writes, his concern the novel was the, â€Å"the exhibition of the amiableness of domestic affection, and the excellence of universal virtue. †(Shelley 7) He exhibits this in Elizabeth. Though Elizabeth exists in the private sphere, to the family she is a symbol of dom estic harmony and can be considered a character based on sacrifice and true virtue. In all the things she does for Victor as well as his family, she is Victor’s hope for future joy. After all the bad things he has done and all the mistakes he has made, Elizabeth represents domestic peace.Her representation of domestic peace can subconsciously be the reason Victor’s family wants him to marry her so badly. The death of Justine as well as Elizabeth was centered on the selfishness of men they loved. Justine was put to death, after trial because Victor refused to admit the creature he created was the cause of his brother William’s death. Elizabeth’s death was caused because Victor’s selfish ways made him refuse to create the creature a female companion to have in his life. Both of these women can be looked at as self-sacrificing.Victor Frankenstein dealt with his extreme guilt of withholding information and secrets from his family regarding his creation , putting people’s lives, such as Justine’s in jeopardy. His secrecy can easily be the reason for the death of Justine, William, and Elizabeth. This extreme guilt is key in discussing how he one of the dominant characters in the novel, because despite how much guilt he feels he never disclosed to anyone his secret creature until he met Robert. In the novel, Victor Frankenstein as a Creator of the creature can be compared to a Mother, giving birth to a child, something that the author, Mary Shelley was unable to do.Again, she uses her personal experiences to express herself in her writing. Victor stripped women of their main purpose during that era, to reproduce. He established that the role played by women isn’t limited to female characters, but can be shown in men as well because Victor can be considered a bad mother. Also in Anne Mellor’s, â€Å"The Female In Frankenstein†, she states, In place of normal heterosexual attachment to Elizabeth, Vict or Frankenstein has a substituted a homosexual obsession with his creature, an obsession that in his case is energized by a profound desire to reunite with his dead mother, by becoming himself a mother. Shelley 363) The loss of his mother’s influences cause him to want to create life on his own, so that he can influence or rather control it, leading to the creation of the Creature. Shelley’s personal struggle is evident because though he was able to create life, he wasn’t proud of it, and wasn’t anything like he thought it would be. He then abandoned the creature, sort of like his mother had done when she died, and like Mary Shelley’s mother had done when she died as well. Another example of the role’s women play to the male characters was shown the Creature’s need for a female companion.The Creature’s solitude never allowed him to know what love was, until he began watching the De Lacy’s and seeing the love they shared as a family and how happy Safie made Felix when returning to his life. Felix seemed ravished with delight when he saw her, every trait of sorrow vanished his face, and it instantly expressed a degree of ecstatic joy, of which I could hardly have believed it capable; his eyes sparkled, as his cheek flushed with pleasure; and at that moment I thought him more beautiful than the stranger. (Shelley 81)This moment of joy is something he wanted to feel for himself, or better yet something he wanted someone else to feel for him. He longed for someone to accept him and risk everything, just as Felix had done for Safie. When learning their backgrounds and seeing how Felix risked his family, reputation, and wealth, all to save Safie’s father, the Turk and to marry her, the Creature yearned for that kind of love. He also admired, the extents companions seemed to go for each other. The Creature seems to want a counterpart, not only because she is a female nd he wants to be loved, but bec ause he wants to share his burden of ugliness and non-acceptance from humans who have shunned him. After viewing their relationship he reflects on his loneliness and goes on to blame Victor for his pain. Cursed Creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God in pity made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid from its very resemblance. (Shelley 91) In his inhuman heart, he doesn’t long for material things or wealth, he longs to experience life as he’s viewed it as a bystander.Watching the De Lacey’s function in society and as a family, is the example he leads by, therefore he doesn’t understand why he is unable to have that as well. This fact is what makes the creature most human, maybe even more human than Victor because of his need for communication and love, while Victor never needed any of that. Never once in the novel did Victor long for real comp anionship, his joys came in being isolated from others, which caused him to predetermine the creature’s life of isolation as well.In never needing a companion to share life with, Victor saw no problem in destroying the female creature he had created for the male creature. Because Victor excluded women in every way, and he clearly doesn’t understand the significance of his own female counter part in the novel, he definitely doesn’t understand the creatures. Not knowing the significance of a feminine role in his life, nor the creatures is what made the destruction of the female creature an easy decision for him.One of the biggest reasons he struggled to understand the significance was because he was clouded by his fear. In Anne Mellor’s, â€Å"The Female In Frankenstein†, she argues that â€Å" he is afraid of an independent female will, afraid that his female creature will have desires and opinions that cannot be controlled by his male creature. â € (Shelley 360) Victor’s true fear was that by creating a female creature, he’d be defying everything that he believed in. The belief that women are to be more of the private sphere than the public might change and it would cause imbalance of society in his eyes.What if, a women or female could walk the earth as men and think their own thoughts and live life as she pleased. The belief that women are to be controlled, rather than loved and treated equally is what causes each female not to exist anymore. The novel uses its female characters to display that of women in Mary Shelley’s time, displaying failed attempts at changing societal roles. The men of Frankenstein control life, death, and the all possibility of any women functioning as an equal. Mellor, Anne K. Possessing Nature: The Female in Frankenstein. †Norton Critical Edition (1996): 274-86. Print. Moers, Ellen. â€Å"Female Gothic: The Monster's Mother. †New York Review of Books (1974). Rpt. in Frankenstein: A Norton Critical Edition. Ed. J. Paul Hunter. New York: Norton, 1996. 214-24. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein: A Norton Critical Edition. ed. J. Paul Hunter. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996 Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. A Wollstonecraft Anthology. Ed. Janet M. Todd. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977
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